Title: Why Computer Cookies are Created in Computer?
2Cookies are created when a user's browser loads a
particular website. The website sends information
to the browser which then creates a text file.
3Uses Standards For Browser Cookies
4Users login information is stored in a cookie so
that they can enter the details and leave the
website without having to re-enter the same
authentication information over and over.
5Cookie Security And Privacy Issues
6Cookies are NOT viruses. As they are not compiled
pieces of code, they cannot be executed.
Moreover, they cannot make copies of themselves
and spread to other networks. Since they cannot
perform these functions, they fall outside the
standard virus definition.
7Other cookie-based threats
8Identity protection is highly valued and is every
internet users right, it is valuable to be aware
of what threat cookies can pose.
9New laws for the use of cookies and other
technologies that store online user
information The latest update is that cookies can
only be placed on machines where the user or
subscriber has given their consent.
10 Any Question! Any Comment!
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