Title: HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240dotcom
1HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Capstone (UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Capstone
3HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Entire Course (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 1
DQs HTT 240 Week 2 Assignment Food Service
Systems HTT 240 Week 2 CheckPoint Flowchart HTT
240 Week 3 CheckPoint HACCP Principles HTT 240
Week 3 DQs HTT 240 Week 4 Assignment Plan a Menu
4HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Final Project Madison Metropolitan
School District (MMSD) Food Service Case Study
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Final Project
Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) Food
Service Case Study
5HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 1 Checkpoint (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 1
6HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 1 DQs (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 1
7HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 2 Assignment Food Service Systems
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 7
Assignment Link Resource Ch. 2 of Introduction
to Foodservice Compare and contrast the four
types of Foodservice Systems discussed on pp.
6067 of the text. Include the following for each
system Explanation of the system
8HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 2 CheckPoint Flowchart (UOP) For
more course tutorials visit www.htt240.com Due
Date Day 5 Assignment Link Resource Week One
CheckPoint Review the Microsoft Word flowchart
instructions on http//office.microsoft.com. Choos
e one of the restaurants you picked during the
Week One CheckPoint. Draw a systems model for the
food service organization using a flowchart in
Microsoft Word. Explain why knowing and using
the systems approach is useful to your career
9HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 3 CheckPoint HACCP Principles
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Describe each issue and
how it was addressed.Explain which of the seven
HACCP principles were not followed in each case.
10HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 3 DQs (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 3
11HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 4 Assignment Plan a Menu (UOP) For
more course tutorials visit www.htt240.com Due
Date Day 7 Assignment Link Resource p. 176
of Introduction to Foodservice Plan a week-long
menu for one of the following Fast Casual Fast
Food Buffet School
12HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 4 CheckPoint Evaluate a Menu
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Evaluate each menu from
the three restaurants on food characteristics and
combinations. Write a 200- to 300-word response
with these questions in mind What do you like
about the menu and why? What would you change and
why? What would you order and why?
13HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 5 CheckPoint Purchasing Influence
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 5
Assignment Link Identify two or three recent
trends and changes in the food market. Explain in
200 to 300 words how these changes influence the
purchasing function
14HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 5 DQs (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 5
15HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 6 Assignment Service Styles
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 7
Assignment Link Resources Week One CheckPoint
and Ch. 9 of Introduction to Foodservice Choose
two of your restaurants from Week One. Compare
and contrast the different styles of service
within your chosen two establishments with the
following questions in mind
16HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 6 CheckPoint Purchasing and
Production Functions (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day
5 Assignment Link Resource Ch. 6 8 of
Introduction to Foodservice Explain in 200 to 300
words the interdependencies between purchasing
and production functions.
17HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 7 CheckPoint Facility Review
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 5
Assignment Link Visit a local restaurant and
review the facility. If you cannot visit a
restaurant, recall a recent visit. Ask for a tour
of the property including the kitchen and storage
area if possible. Discuss the following in 200 to
300 words How would you rate the layout on a
scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent?
18HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 7 DQs (UOP) For more course
tutorials visit www.htt240.com HTT 240 Week 7
19HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 8 Assignment Beverage Sales
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 7
Assignment Link Resource Ch. 18 19 of The
Hospitality Managers Guide Explain how alcohol
sales fit into the foodservice industry. List and
discuss the following Why to buy What factors to
consider when choosing a purveyor
20HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
HTT 240 Week 8 CheckPoint Control Techniques
(UOP) For more course tutorials
visit www.htt240.com Due Date Day 5
Assignment Link Resource Ch. 2 18 of The
Hospitality Managers Guide. Explain in 200 to
300 words what control techniques are necessary
in the storing and issuing process to prevent
theft. Identify three issues that must be
addressed specific to properties that sell
alcohol versus those that do not
21HTT 240 Course Future Starts / htt240.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....