Ελιές | Ελληνικές ελίες ελαιόλαδο και προϊόντα ελιάς: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ελιές | Ελληνικές ελίες ελαιόλαδο και προϊόντα ελιάς:


Οι ελιές θεωρούνται ο σημαντικότερος καρπός της Μεσογείου. Πολύτιμο δένδρο του μεσογειακού χώρου, σύμβολο ειρήνης, γαλήνης, γονιμότητας και αναγέννησης, η ελιά αποτελεί ένα πραγματικά "θείο δώρο". Από τους αρχαίους χρόνους το δένδρο της ελιάς προκαλούσε δέος στον άνθρωπο εξαιτίας της ιδιότητάς του να μην ξεραίνεται σχεδόν ποτέ: από τους ξερούς κορμούς φυτρώνουν νέοι βλαστοί και έτσι το δένδρο αναγεννάται. Στην Ελλάδα υπάρχουν διάφορες ποικιλίες βρώσιμων ελιών με κυριότερες την ελιά Καλαμών, την Αμφίσσης, τη Θρούμπα Θάσου κ.ά. Το χρώμα της ελιάς (πράσινο, καφέ-βιολετί, μαύρο) εξαρτάται από το βαθμό ωρίμανσης του καρπού. Επιστημονικές έρευνες έχουν αποδείξει την υψηλή διατροφική αξία και την αντιοξειδωτική δράση των βρώσιμων ελιών, καθώς είναι πλούσιες σε φυτικές ίνες, μέταλλα, μονοακόρεστα λιπαρά και βιταμίνη Ε. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Slides: 17
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Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ελιές | Ελληνικές ελίες ελαιόλαδο και προϊόντα ελιάς:

??a S?et???µe ????
?? ????? ?? ?????????
"??a???ad?" e??a? p?? a?afe??µaste st? ??a?? p??
?aµß??eta? ap? t?? ?a?p? t?? e????. ?? ?????p??
????? t?? ?ata????s? e?a???ad?? ??a ?????de?
?????a ?a? e??a? t??a p?? d?µ?f???? ap? p?t?,
???? se p???? ?f??? ap?dede??µ??? ??e?a ?a? t??
?ast????µ???? ???s?µ?t?t? t??. ????? µp??e? ?a
a?apt???e? µ??? se ???sµ??e? pe??????, a??? ta
e?at?µµ???a t?? a????p?? p?? eµp?????ta? st??
pa?a???? e?a????d?? se ??? t?? ??sµ? ?a? t??
????t???a t?? e?a????d?? e??a? p???s?a ?a?
??t???? s?µas?a?. F?s???, ap? a?t? t?? ap?? a???
???eta? ???? p?? pe??p????. ?d? e??a? ta ßas???
p?? p??pe? ?a ??????ete. http//
?st???a ?????????
? e??? ?ta? e??e??? st?? ????? ?s?a ?a?
e?ap?????e ap? t? ????, t? S???a ?a? t??
?a?a?st??? st?? ?p????p? ?e???? t?? ?es??e???
6.000 ?????a p???. ???a? ap? ta pa?a??te?a ???st?
?a???e????µe?a d??t?a st?? ??sµ? - p??
a?apt?????e p??? efe??????e ? ??apt? ???ssa. ?ta?
p?? ?a???e?????ta? st?? ???t? ap? t? 3.000 p.?.
?a? µp??e? ?a ?ta? ? p??? t?? p???t?? t??
???????? ßas??e???. ?? F?????e? e?ap???e? ? e???
st?? µes??e?a??? a?t?? t?? ?f????? ?a? t?? ??t?a?
?? e???? ????? ß?e?e? se a???pt?a???? t?f??? ap?
2.000 ?????a p.?.. ? ?a??????e?a t?? e????
e?ap?????e st?? a???? t?? ?????e? st? s????e?a ??
??µa???. ?a??? ?? ??µa??? epe?t????e t?µ?a t???
?fe?a? t?? e??? µa?? t???.
?? ?a??te?? OLIVE
?????ste t? ?a??te?? e?a???ad?
??? ?a ft???e?? ?????????
? d?a????sµ?? t?? ?ad??? ap? t? f?t???
?e?? ??????, t? µ??µa e?a??? ?a? ?dat??
ap????e?t??e se ??d??? µ???? t? ??d? a????e st??
????f? ?a? t? ap?????f?µ??? off. ??p???? ??µ?s??
?ta? a?ap?fe??t?, p?? ep??e????? t? ?e?s? ?a? t??
?sµ? t?? e?a????d??. S?µe?a, ? d?a????sµ??
ep?t?????eta? ta???? µe ??t??s? t?? µ??µat?? se
µ?a f????e?t??. ? f????e?t??? ap?te?e?ta? ap? ??a
pe??st?ef?µe?? t?µpa?? ?a? µ?a at??µ??a ?????a
p?? pe??st??f??ta? st?? ?d?? ????a µe µe????
ta??t?ta. ?pe?d? t? ??d? ?a? t? f?t??? ?e?? e??a?
d?af??et???? p????t?te?, ? f????e?t??? t???
a?a????e? ????a ?a? se ?e????st? d??e?a.
??? ?a ft???e?? ?????????
?p????e?s? ?a? t? s?s?e?as?a t? ??d? ?? ??d?
ap????e?eta? se ?p??e?e? de?aµe??? µ???? ?a e??a?
?t??µ? ?a ap?sta?e?. St? s????e?a t? ??d? se
???s??ße? ? ??????a d??e?a se µ?a ??aµµ?
s??a?µ?????s??. ???t?? ? f???e? f?µ? ?a ??at?se?
t? ßa?? p??s??? ???µa t?? e?a????d?? a??paf?.
??d? t?p??ete?ta? se saf?-??????e? f???e? ?a
e?as?e??se? se ??t????-p??s???. Ost?s?, ? ?e?s?
de? ep??e??eta?. Se p????? pe??pt?se??, t?
e?a???ad? d?a??µe?? pet?e?a??? a???????? t?
e?a???ad? ap? t??? pa?a?????? ?a? rebottle a?t?.
S?s?e?as?a ??e? ???e? p?? pe??te??a ?p?? ?
d?µ?t???t?ta t?? e?a????d?? ??e? a????e?. ?e?
e??a? as?????st? ?a a????s??? e?a???ad? se
?d??????µ? µp??????a p?? ?????????eta? µe d??t? ?
s?????. ?e????? s?s?e?ast?? p??s?aµß????? ?a?
epa??e?µat?e? ?a???t???e? ?a s?ed??s??? t??
et???te? t???.http//
??p?? ??? ??????????
????G???S???? ????????? ???? pe??p?? t? 30 t???
e?at? t?? s?????? pa?a????? e?a????d?? ?ata???e?
st?? e?a???? t?? ?ad??? ap? t?? e????. ?????s?
eµp?????ta? µe t? ???s? d?a??t?? ?a? ?????
?e?µ?t?ta ??a ?a e???dete??se? ta ???sta t??
e?a???. ??t? ep?t??pe? st??? pa?a?????? ?a
???s?µ?p????? t?? e???? p?? de? e??a? se ?a??te??
?at?stas?, ?a? t? µ??µa ap? ??a?a ap? µ?a µe????
p??????a p???? (a??µa ???e?), d??t? ?? ?a???
?e?se?? p?? p????pt??? ap? ??e?d?µ??? e???? ?a?
t? d?ad??as?a µa????? pa?a????? e??a? ??µ???
afa??e?e?. ?ta? ß??pete "???? ??a???ad?" st?
?at?st?µa, ? ??a µp?????? p?? ??e? ap??
??a???ad?, a?t? e??a? e?e??e??sµ??a.
??p?? ??? ??????????
??epe????ast? ????????? ??at???asta e?a???ada de?
?f?sta?ta? ??µ??? d????s??. Se a?epe????ast?
e?a???ada, ?p?? ??t?a pa????? ?a? pa??????
e?a????d??, ? d?ad??as?a p??a??e? p??a ap? t??
e?????? ?a? t?? eµf????s?. ?? pa?a?????
a?epe????ast? e?a???ada p??pe? ?a ???s?µ?p???sete
ta f???ta p?? e??a? se ?a?? ?at?stas? ?a?
p??se?t??? t? d?a?e???s? t?? d?af???? pa?a???t??,
epe?d? t? pet???a?? de? ?a p??pe? ?a
a?t?µet?p????ta? µe ap?????? ??µ??? ?a?? ?e?se??
p?? ?a p?????pte ap? ??e?d?µ??? e???? ? ??p??a
???? µ????s?.
??p?? ??? ??????????
G?at? ?a ???s?µ?p???s? ????????? ?? e?a???ad?
e??a? ??a µ???a???est? ??p?? ?a? ? a???????a???
????? t?? pe??f?µ?? µes??e?a??? d?at??f??. ??
pe??ss?te??? ?????p?? ep??????? t? e?a???ad? ????
t?? p????? ap?dede??µ??a ?f??? ??a t?? a????p???
??e?a. ??a??et??? pa????? e?a???ad? p??sf?????
a??µ? pe??ss?te?? ??a? ??sµ? f???t?de?-p?????
?e?se?? p?? sef e??a? s???aµß????ta? ?a a?????e?
p??ta se ??a ep?ped? p?? p?t? de? ?e????se p??a??.
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ????a? µe???e? t?
????ste???? ?? e?a???ad? e??a? p???s?? se e?a???
???, ??a ????? µ???a???est? ??pa?? ???.
????????µe? µe??te? de?????? ?t? ta µ???a???esta
??pa?? e??a? pe??p?? t?s? ap?te?esµat??? ?s?
p???a???esta ??pa?? st? µe??s? t?? ??????
????ste????? t?? a?µat?? ?a? t?? LDL ????ste????,
?ta? ???s?µ?p?????ta? ??a t?? ?p??at?stas?
???esµ???? ??p??? st? d?at??f?. ?????, ta
µ???a???esta ??pa?? de? µe?????? t?? e?e??et???
????ste???? HDL ? ?a a???se? ta t??????e??d?a, se
a?t??es? µe p???a???esta ??pa??, ta ?p??a, se
?????? p??s???e??, µp??e? ?a µe??se? t??
HDL-????ste????, d??ad? ? ?a?? ????ste????.
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ?Ta sa? ?eµ??e? ??a??et???
pa????? e?a???ad? e??a? ?e?µ?da-p???? ?a? p?fte?
µ?sa st? ??p?? ?µ?da t??f?µ??. ??a ???ta??? t??
s??pa? ??t?a pa????? e?a???ad? pe????e? 119
?e?µ?de? ?a? 13,5 ??aµµ???a ??p???, a???ß?? t?
?d?? µe ????? t??? ?????? t?p??? e?a??? se
??pa??, t? ?p??? e??a? 21 t??? e?at? t??
s???st?µe??? ?µe??s?a? a??a? ßas????ta? se d?a?ta
2.000 ?e?µ?d??, a??? pe??p?? t? 75 t??? e?at? t??
t? ??p?? ap? t? ??t?a pa????? e?a???ad? e??a?
µ???a???esta, ??a e?d?? ??e??? ??? p?? ??e?
ap?de???e? ?t? µe???e? t?? ????? ????ste???? st?
a?µa. ?p?p????, t? e?a???ad? d?µ?????e? ??a
a?s??µa ???esµ?? ?a? p???a?e? t?? ?ata????s?
sa??te? ?a? µa?e??eµ??a ?a?a????, ?a??st??ta? ta
p?? ??st?µa ?a? ?e?st???, p?? ?d??e? se µ?a
s??????? ?s????p?µ??? ?a? ???e??? d?at??f?.
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ??p??e? ?a ß????se? ta
?st? sa? ?ste?p???s? µet? t?? eµµ???pa?s?
p???a?e?ta? ap? ??a s??d?asµ? t?? ??µ??????
a??s????p??? ?a? f?e?µ??? t?? a????se??. ?? ?a?
t? e?a???ad? µp??e? ?a µ?? e??a? se ??s? ?a
ap??atast?se? ta ep?peda ??st??????? sa? se
p??eµµ???pa?s?a??? f????, ???fe? ?µesa s?e?et???
s?st?µa sa? µe d??f????? t??p???. ?p?p????, t?
e?a???ad? e??a? ???st? ?? ?a?? ??p?? ?a?
s?????? p??t?µ?ta? ??a?t? ????? ??p?? ?at? t??
p??et??µas?a ?a? t? µa?e??eµa t?? t??f?µ??. ??t?
t? ??a?? ??e? p???? ?f???, t? p?? s?µa?t??? e??a?
? ??a??t?t? t?? ?a ß????se? t? asß?st?? ?ata??µ?
s?µa, ?ts? ?ste ?a µp??e? ?a ap????e?te? se ?st?
sa?. ? µ???a???esta ??pa?? ?a??st? ep?s?? ß?ßa???
?t? t? ?d?? t? µ?e?? t?? ?st?? sa? de? a?apt???e?
p??a p??? ??p?? - µ?a ?at?stas? p?? µp??e? ?a
ap?t???e? t?? ?ata??se?? asßest??? sta ?st?.
?e?e?ta?? a??? ??? ????te?? s?µa?t???, ??????
p???t?ta? ??t?a pa????? e?a???ad?, ?a? ?d?a?te?a
t? e??????? e?a???ad?, e??a? p???s?? se
oleocanthal, µ?a ??s?a p?? ??e? ?s????
a?t?f?e?µ???d? d??s? t?? ?atap???µ?s? ?ts? t?
f?e?µ??? t?? a????se??.
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ??p??e? ?a ß????se? st??
p??? ?ta? t? e?a???ad? f???e? st? st?µ??? de?
µe???e? t?? t??? t?? µ????? da?t????? ? sf???t??a
st? ß?s? t?? ??s?f????. ??a?t?a? a?t??, µe???e?
t?? ???d??? t?? ???? ? pa???d??µ?s? t?? t??f??
?a? t?? ?ast????? ??µ?? ep??? ap? t? st?µ??? p???
t?? ??s?f???. ?? e?a???ad? ep?s?? a?ast???e?
µe????? ?ast???? ????t???t?ta. O? ap?t??esµa, ?
?ast????? pe??e??µe?? t?? st?µ????
ape?e??e???eta? p?? a??? ?a? stad?a?? st?
d?de?ad??t???, d????ta? µ?a µe?a??te?? a?s??s?
t?? p????t?ta?, ?a? e?????ta? t?? p??? ?a? t??
ap????f?s? t?? ??ept???? ??s??? st? ??te??. ????
t?? s?t?ste????? p?? pe????e?, e?a???ad?
eµp?d??e? µe????? t?? ap????f?s? t?? ????ste?????
ap? t? ?ept? ??te??. ???a? ep?s?? d?e?e??e? t??
ap????f?s? t?? d?af???? ??ept???? ??s???
(asß?st??, s?d???, µa???s??, ?.?p.).
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ??p??e? ?a ße?t??se? t?
d??µa sa? ???s?µ?p???ste e?a???ad? ?? ??a apa??
e??dat??? ??a t? ???? d??µa. ?? e?a???ad? ??e? ta
?d?a ???e??? ??p?, ?p?? t? aß????t?, ?a? ?eµ??e?
?a? e??dat??e? t? d??µa µe ??a s??d?asµ? t??
ß?taµ???? ? ?a? ß?taµ??? ? ?p?s??, ????, fa????a
?a? f?e?µ??? t?? d??µat?? e??a? s?????? t? s?µ?d?
t??? e?e??sµ??? t?? d??µat??, ?p?? t? ???eµa ?a?
? ????as?. ??t? ?a st??f??ta? p??? s??ta?? ???µe?
?a? sp?t? d?????t??? µ?t?a, ft????? ??a ????
e?a???ad? ??a ?a a?a???f?s??? t?? p??? ?a? t??
e?e??sµ?. ?p?p????, ? ????? ?a? ? ??pa?s? µp??e?
?a ß???e? t? d??µa sa?. Se p??sfate? µe??te?,
d?ap?st????e ?t? ? ß?taµ??? ? p?? pe????eta? st?
e?a???ad? ?ta? ep?t???? st?? ?atap???µ?s? t??
e?e?????? ?????, ? ???a?s? f?t???af?a ?a? ??µ???
??a t? d?at???s? ?ea???? d??µa. St?? ????da t?
d??µa e?e??sµ??? µ??? a?t?µet?p????ta? p??ta µe
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ??p??e? ?a ß????se? ta
µa???? sa? ?a ??pa?? ???a p?? t? e?a???ad?
ap?te?e?ta? ap? ????s?? pa?t? t?? ????a t??
µa????? sa?, ß?????ta? ?a t? ??at?se? ????? ?a?
p??state?µ???. ???s?µ?p????ta? ßaf?? µa?????,
s?de?a ?a? ???s?µ?p????ta? a??µ? ?a? p?st?????
??a ta µa???? µp??e? ?a ß???e? t? e??te????
st??µa t?? t???a? sa?. ?? e?a???ad? ?a pa?t? t?
?atest?aµµ??? e??te???? st??µata t?? µa????? sa?,
d????t?? t??? µ?a p?? e????st?, p?? ?µa?? ?a? p??
???? eµf???s?. ta p?????ta pe??p???s?? µa?????
e??a? ?eµ?ta ap? ??µ???? ??s?e?, ? ?p??a st??
p?a?µat???t?ta µp??e? ?a ß???e? ta µa???? sa? se
µa???p???esµ? ß?s?. ???s?µ?p????ta? ??a ??????
p???t?ta? e?a???ad? ?? ?e?ape?a ??a ta µa???? ?a
d?se? ta µa???? sa? p?s? ??? t?? ??e?a? t??,
f?s???. ???s?µ?p????ta? ??a ??d? ?????? p???t?ta?
e?a???ad? e??a? ? ?a??te?? f?s??? ?e?ape?a p??
a???e? ta µa???? sa?.
??p?? ??? ??????????
?F??? ????????? ?G???S ??p??e? ?a µe??se? t??
a?t???a?? p?es? ?? e?a???ad? pe????e? ??a ?s????
µ??µa a?t???e?d?t???? p?? µp????? ?a µe??s??? t??
?a?? (LDL) ????ste???? sa?, a??? af????? ?a??
(HDL) ????ste????? sa? a??paf?. ?a ap?te??sµata
µe??s?? t?? ????ste????? ap? t? e?a???ad? e??a?
a??µ? µe?a??te?? a? ep????ete ??t?a pa?????
e?a???ad?, p?? s?µa??e? ?t? t? ??d? e??a? e?te???
µ? epe?e??asµ??a ?a? pe????e? pe??ss?te?a
?a?d??-???? a?t???e?d?t???.
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