Title: Importance of Outbound Trips in Schools
1Importance of Outbound Trips in Schools
2School Trips...
- School trips are one of the most prominent
learning tools that help to enhance the social,
personal and emotional development of students. - While it is a break for students and teachers
from the daily routine it also ensures an
increased bond between all the participants. It
gives them an opportunity to learn and ensures a
variety of learning techniques. -
31. Informal Learning from Environment
- It is always assumed that learning happens only
through books but not everything can be learnt
from it. For overall growth and development one
needs to learn things from their surroundings.
Hence educational trips becomes a must for
students. It imbibes teamwork, social
understanding and confidence. -
42. Fun
- Outbound trips are mini holidays for students as
well as for teachers. It gives an opportunity for
kids to be in a good environment, and also end up
learning new things while having fun.
53. Better bond between teachers and students
- School trips are the best way to know your
students on a personal level Usually it is seen
that kids who are personally connected with a
teacher are more motivated and participative in
classroom surrounding.
64. Learns Responsibility
- Travelling teaches a lot to everyone. They
become more responsible about everything. They
know how to handle any kind of hurdle that comes
in their path and prepares them to be strong,
instilling courage and a lot of learning.
75. Gives more Exposure
As a kid, everyone wants to be firefighters,
teachers and doctors but very few actually take
it as a profession. It is seen that kids learn
what they see so as a kid they saw all these
people and they want to become one of
them. Exposure to new places and profession helps
them in considering professions they may not have
considered earlier and shows them new ways to
apply for it
8Outbound trips also help in building-
- Self-confidence and self-esteem
- Ability to empathise and understand new
perspectives - Increased aspirations and motivation
- A broader understanding of society
9Bangalore based schools who actively believe in
promoting learning through Outbound Trips
- Inventure Academy
- Oakridge International school
- Indus International School
- Canadian International School