Title: Erin Panepucci holds Vast Experience as a Fitness Trainer
1Erin Panepucci holds Vast Experience as a Fitness
2Erin Panepucci is an Illinois based fitness
trainer. She has good experience in providing
personal training, group training, weight
training, and corporate training classes. She
holds a masters degree in exercise science, and
has been running her own fitness center for more
than 5 years. At her fitness center, she is
aimed at providing quality fitness training as
per the requirements of the clients. Her
clientele includes business professionals,
athletes, TV personalities, and medical
professionals. She has a team of fitness experts
who are readily available to assist the clients
in performing different sorts of fitness
exercises at her gym.
3Erin Panepucci Elgin believes in customer
satisfaction, and always provides quality
training at her fitness center in IL. She offers
various packages for families and corporate
people so that everyone gets the best. Those who
are interested in doing exercises at home can get
their fitness programs designed from Erin for
which she charges a few dollars. She was born in
1989 in Los Angeles, and brought up in
Greenville, South Carolina. Her father was a
doctor, thus he wanted her to pursue a career in
the medical field. But, she doesnt have interest
in that field, and decided to go her own way.
4When Erin Panepucci was in school in Illinois,
she used to play a lot with her friends. She also
attended various fitness seminars across the
state, and gradually her interest was developed
in health and fitness. She did an exercise
science degree, and studied about the human
anatomy, physical exercises, diet, etc. She
worked for a local gym for two years. She got the
opportunity to work with experienced,
knowledgeable fitness professionals who provided
her profound knowledge about the field. In 2011,
she started her own fitness center, which is now
listed among the top businesses of its type.
5Thank You Erin Panepucci