Title: BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
1BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Entire Course (UOP Course) Â
For more course tutorials visit  www.tutoria
lrank.com     BSHS 352 Week 1 Discussion
Question 1 (UOP Course)Â BSHS 352 Week 1
Discussion Question 2 (UOP Course) BSHS 352 Week
1 Individual Assignment Paper on Analyzing a Web
Page (UOP Course) BSHS 352 Week 2 Discussion
Question 1 (UOP Course)
3BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 1 Individual Assignment Paper on
Analyzing a Web Page (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit  www.tutorialr
ank.com    Research how to properly analyze a
web page. Â
4BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 2 Individual Assignment Utilizing
Online Social Networking Sites Paper (UOP
Course) For more course
tutorials visit  www.tutorialrank.com    Locat
e and create your own LinkedIn Professional
Business Profile (creating the site is optional
however, you will still need to research the site
and write about it). Go to www.LinkedIn.com Â
5BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 2 Team Assignment Paper on
Web-Based Software for Human Services (UOP
Course) Â For more course
tutorials visit  www.tutorialrank.com    Expla
in what are some of the functional areas of a
human services organization. You can discover
what these areas are by researching them on the
Internet or in the University Library. Â Examples
of functional areas include          Client
6BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 3 Individual Assignment Evaluating
Tools for Clients Medicare Eligibility Test (UOP
Course) For more course
tutorials visit  www.tutorialrank.com   Note.
This is not an official application process
rather, it is a way to practice evaluating your
eligibility for a program. Â Navigate to
www.medicare.gov. Under Search Tools, click on
the link Find out if you are eligible for
Medicare and when you can enroll.Â
7BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 4 Individual Assignment Technology
Solutions for Human Services Paper (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials
visit  www.tutorialrank.com    Write a 1,050-
to 1,400-word paper in which you identify three
barriers to services, planning, funding, or
empowerment in a selected aspect of human
services. How does community development help
address these barriers? Â Discuss how
applications of technology could be utilized as a
means to overcome each of these barriers.
8BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 4 Team Assignment Meeting Human
Services Challenges with Technology (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials
visit  www.tutorialrank.com    Complete and
hand in the Meeting Human Services Challenges
with Technology assignment.
9BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 4 Team Assignment Presentation on
Website Development (UOP Course)
For more course tutorials visit  www.tutorialra
nk.com    Create a 12-15 page PowerPoint
presentation using a real or hypothetical human
service organization and show/describe your
agency's website that you plan to publish on the
web. Use site building software available for
free by web hosting providers, such as Yahoo! .
Divide the work up equally between the team
10BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
 BSHS 352 Week 5 Individual Assignment Online
Therapy Paper (UOP Course) For
more course tutorials visit  www.tutorialrank.com
   Conduct an Internet search for at least
three online therapy sites. Write a 1,050- to
1,750-word paper in which you discuss the content
in each site, the professionals involved, and how
the actual online interaction occurs.Â
11BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
BSHS 352 Week 5 Team Assignment Presentation and
Role-Play on a New System (UOP Course) Â
For more course tutorials
visit  www.tutorialrank.com    Resources
Key Questions When Planning a Computer System
located in the Week Three Electronic Reserve
Readings, and the technology guide link located
in the Week Three Electronic Reserve Readings Â
12BSHS 352 Course Inspiring Minds/tutorialrank.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....