Title: A trusted community for Moms by Moms
1Baby DestinatiOn
Baby Destination is a platform for Moms and
Moms-to-be where they can find personalized
recommendations from other moms like you. A
platform that connects moms based on preferences
and location so that they can engage with each
other in discovering the most trusted products
for their children. On Baby Destination you can
be creative by designing style inspirations and
product baskets, or be influential by sharing
experiences and feedback. Let Baby Destination be
your community, a discovery gateway to find the
best for whom it matters the mostour children!!!
When I was first pregnant with my son and we
started thinking about the things to buy for him,
I was overwhelmed with the whole process!
Researching online and conflicting reviews only
added to the confusion. In the end what came to
my rescue was valuable advice from my friends who
had children and experts (pediatrician /lactation
expert etc.). That was what got me thinking- in
this time and age where technology is present in
every part of our life from hailing a cab to
finding someone to date, why is it that there is
no platform that connects moms to create a
community that can recommend and discover the
best products for their children.
Tamanna , Mom and Co-founder
Tamanna Dhamija, CFA, Co-Founder
Tarun Dhamija, CFA Co Founder
5Baby DestinationTeam Members