Title: 5 Tips To Master Portrait Photography
15 Tips To Master Portrait Photography
2It requires lot of patience and practice to
become a master in the art of portrait
photography. Here are top 5 tips by expert
photographer Sam Crawford, which will instantly
improve your portrait photography skills and take
it to a higher level.
3Its All About Adapting To The Light Available
Light is a standout among the most essential
components to remember while capturing portraits,
particularly how the light appears on the
subject's face. Availability of light can be the
determining factor in making or breaking your
picture. Coordinate with the individual you are
shooting to tilt their head towards the main
source of light, regardless of whether it's a
room light or the sun. In case, you're making the
subject to look towards the sun, ask them to see
towards a direction that won't make them squint
or cause discomfort for them. You wont like
individuals squinting while youre shooting.
4Give Proper Instructions Directions To The
Let's be honest, many individuals have low
confidence or are even unhappy with being before
the camera. Giving proper directions or
instructions to the individual you are shooting
can help them to be more comfortable. Make sure
that your instructions are simple, basic and
positive. In case your subject doesnt know any
pose, then help him or her to strike a pose.
Maybe you can tell the person to lift his or her
chin to get a better view of their face. Avoid
giving hard directions or rude instruction.
5Search For A Clean Background That Contrasts With
Your Subject
Backgrounds are quite crucial in creating
desirable portrait pictures. The important part
of the background is to give proper context to
the surrounding where the individual is posing
and make them stand out. Finding a spotless
background that gives contrast to the subject is
6Concentrate On The Dominant Eye
If you're capturing images with shallow depth of
field then this step becomes quite essential to
follow. Make sure to concentrate on the dominant
eye of the subject, especially the one that is
nearest to the camera. Remember, if the dominant
eye is out of centre, your photograph will end up
looking a bit off. This can damage even a good
7Keep The Lines Straight
Twisted horizon lines can make the portrait
captured by you a weird appearance, so make sure
to keep all the lines straight. The same applies
for surrounding elements like doors and the edges
of walls. In case, if these sorts of lines aren't
straight, it can make the portrait to look
tilted, which ruins the whole idea an appearance
of the image.
8Whats More!
By following these basic, yet professional tips
by Sam Crawford you can improve your portrait
photography skills remarkably!
9Sam Crawford Photography Level 7, 822 George
St, Chippendale 2008 info_at_samcrawford.com.au 04
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