Title: Elizabeth Funk
1 Elizabeth Funk
Founder and CEO Dignity Capital
2 Elizabeth Funk is a founder and CEO of the
Dignity Fund, an innovative for-profit social
impact fund which has funded 23 Microfinance
organizations around the globe, helping millions
of poor entrepreneurs start businesses and build
their own way out of poverty.
3 Elizabeth Funk -International Board Member
YPO YPO is the world's most powerful network for
young business leaders.Elizabeth served for 12
years on the Board of Directors of Glide
Community Development and the Glide Community
Development Organization. Most recently she
served as Chairman of the Board of Glide
Community Services.
4 In 2010 Elizabeth Funk was named Businesswoman
of the Year by Veuve Clicquot and has been
featured in a Harvard Business School case study.
Harvard Business School has written two case
studies about Elizabeth.
5 Elizabeth Funk is a leader in bringing for-profit
investment dollars to help solve the worlds
toughest problems. She is the Senior General
Partner at Dev Equity an innovative fund
providing for-profit venture-style investment
funding to social enterprises in Latin America.