Title: Intravenous treatments
1Intravenous treatment Intravenous treatment is
defined as a parenteral administration of a drug
through intravenously, that is, into a vein by
means of intravenous injection (IV) for
therapeutic purpose. Intravenous injection has
given to the patient for the treatment of a
disease rapidly because the route of
administration of any drug or fluid through
intravenously is very quickly effective and take
action against disease within a short period of
time. Intravenous treatment suggested in
emergency treatment. This includes emergencies
like heart attack. Poisoning. The parenteral
route of drug through intravenously effects
within a few second. A drug or any fluid minerals
given through intravenously are in dissolved
because drug can easily enter through the vein
and reaches to the targeted site. The bloodstream
carries drug and act to the targeted site.
Intravenous treatments is used for rapid reaction
through parenteral route drug cannot enter into
the long process of absorption and metabolism of
a drug in order to save time doctors used
intravenous treatment through which drug can act
directly to the target site. Eternal route of
administration are very time taking as compared
to parenteral and go through from the long
process such as absorption of the drug then drug
distribution throughout the body, metabolism and
elimination of a drug. For emergency treatment
intravenous therapy are used for rapid absorption
and reaction. Different types of catheter are
used such as (1) Peripheral catheter in which
catheter is inserted into peripheral veins (veins
of arms, hands, legs and feet).(2) Peripherally
Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) is the type in
whichperipheral tubeisutilized when intravenous
access is required for a long time. PICC used in
a condition include extended antibiotic therapy,
long chemotherapy. (3)Central IV lines are used
for the heart diseases in which catheters that
are inserted into the large central vein commonly
the superior or inferior vena cava in the right
atrium of the heart. Due to the large diameter of
these veins blood flow can be easily and faster
than peripheral veins.(4) Subcutaneous injection
port is utilized at the time when catheter is
inserted into subcutaneous tissue and is used for
the administration of insulin. Many different
types of drugs can be given by IV due to its fast
effectiveness. Drugs that are most commonly given
through this route of administration
includeAntifungal drugs to treat fungal disease
such as amphotericin. Antibiotics including
gentamicin, vancomycin, Chemotherapy drugs,
cisplatin, paclitaxel and vincristine. Drugs for
low blood pressure neurotransmitter such as
dopamine,epinephrine and norepinephrine and in
Antibodies medications. Patients with various
conditions are treated with intravenous treatment
includingAsthma, Migraines, Infectious conditions
including viral diseases, hepatitis, rabies,
Chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, Autoimmune
diseases, Cancer and neurological
diseases. Administration of drug through IV is
very fast and effective route of parenteral
administration than eternal administration.
Intravenous therapy are used in emergency
conditions and it is usually safe route and cause
rapid effectiveness as the drug directly act to
the target site through blood streambut it can
cause both acute and mild effects. Articles