Title: Stamina Air Rower Review
1Stamina Air Rower
- http//www.rowingcrazy.com/reviews/stamina-air-row
2he Stamina Air Rowers are affordable and
high-quality rowing machines that are great for
users at any level.
3Since their founding in 1987, theyve aimed to
create quality yet affordable fitness products
that last.
4- At Rowing Crazy, we know that when youre buying
an indoor rowing machine, the one thing you are
looking for is the best quality possible without
necessarily having to break the bank.
5Having canvassed the indoor rowing market, weve
identified the two Stamina Air Rowers as machines
that fits that description pretty well.
6The Stamina Air rowing machine uses wind
resistance in its flywheel to provide smooth and
efficient rowing strokes.
7- Most rowers that use air as their mode of
resistance tend to offer significantly low
resistance levels that arent appealing to
seasoned rowing fans.
8The Stamina Air Rower however has been designed
to provide strong resistance that makes it quite
appropriate for experienced and inexperienced
rowers alike.
9This rowing machine has a multi-function
performance monitor to provide you with detailed
feedback of your rowing exercise.
10- The monitor displays time, your rowing speed,
distance covered, and the amount of calories
burned. This way you can keep track of your
performance and know exactly when you are making
the desired progress. When you have maxed out on
your workout, it may be a wakeup call for you to
move on to the subsequent level of resistance to
make the exercise more stimulating.
11For additional information please check our
- http//www.rowingcrazy.com/reviews/stamina-air-row