Title: Test Tube Baby Centers in Hyderabad 13 JULY 17
1Test Tube Baby Centers in Hyderabad
- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an
assisted reproductive technique where in a single
sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of the
oocyte with the help of special
3- The initial steps for both IVF and ICSI are
similar. Both treatments differ in the
insemination methodology post the egg collection
step. - Step 1 Pre-investigation to assess feasibility
- Pre Treatment Investigations
- Before subjecting a couple to the IVF procedure
they are advised to undergo certain
investigations to check the feasibility for the
procedure. - The female partner is asked to undergo certain
hormonal blood tests and the male partner is
asked to undergo basic semen analysis. Both the
partners are subjected to certain common tests
like blood grouping, HIV, Hepatitis B C, and
blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases as
part of the IVF process. - Step 2 Long or Short protocol
- Following the pre-assessment, the next step could
either be a long protocol or a short protocol.
The doctor takes a call on what treatment needs
to be followed
4Long Protocol The duration of the treatment is
about one month and can be divided into two
phases mainly Suppression Phase The female
partner is required to come to the hospital for a
daily subcutaneous injection usually from day 22
of the cycle (day 1 is the first day of the
menstrual period) for about 15 days. Stimulation
Phase After about 15 days other set of
injection/s is/are added which stimulates the
ovaries to produce eggs. These injections are
administered by daily injection subcutaneously
(sc) or intramuscularly (im) (into the buttock
muscle).The daily dose may be increased or
decreased depending on how well the ovaries are
responding. Stimulation continues until the eggs
are mature. This takes approximately 10 14
days. Short Protocol This usually takes about
15-18 days where injections and medications are
administered to the female partner on an everyday
basis. This continues until the eggs are
mature. Note The timing of events during the IVF
process is particularly crucial to the success of
the pregnancies. Patients are asked to attend
OASIS for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries
during the treatment cycle which is usually after
Day 5.
5Thank You
- Read more test tube baby centers in
hyderabad - Log on to www.ferty9.com