2What is a mesh network?
Mesh networking is a type of network topology, or
layout, in which a device, or the technical terms
is node, transmits its own data as well as serves
as a relay for other nodes. Routers are used to
provide the best and most efficient data path for
effective communication. In the event of
hardware failure, many routes are available to
continue the network communication process. Many
of todays wireless embedded technologies (such
as ZigBee and 6LoWPAN) use a mesh network
3Mesh Wi-Fi uses a mesh network to create a
network. In a m??h network, ???h d?vi?? is
typically connected through at l???t two pathways
and ??n relay m????g?? f?r its neighbors. D?t? is
passed b? hopping from d?vi?? to d?vi?? using the
m??t reliable communication link? and most
efficient path until the destination is
reached. This means a much more efficient and
faster Wi-Fi connection when compared to
traditional Wi-Fi networks. Mesh Wi-Fi is
relatively new to the UK but more providers are
starting to come on the market, for example
Google Wi-Fi.
What is Mesh Wi-Fi?
4Advantages of mesh networking include
Reliability and Robustness
Flexibility and Scalability
Cost effectiveness
When data reliability is key, a mesh network
offers the best protection through its
self-configuring and??lf-h??ling capabilities.
The redundant paths of m??h networks ensure
alternative d?t? paths and n? single point of
Wireless mesh networks afford unparalleled
flexibility and simplicity and are ideally suited
f?r applications where d?vi??? are scattered,
like Wi-Fi. In difficult environments where n?t
?v?r? d?vi?? can communicate directly with its
intended target d?vi??, chances are that they ??n
communicate with ?n? ?r m?r? ?f their neighboring
Th? self ??nfiguring capabilities m??n that a
wireless mesh n?tw?rk ??n ??rf?rm some tasks with
minim?l ?r no human intervention, and th?
r?dund?n?? ?nd self h??ling capabilities ?r?vid?
f?r l??? d?wntim?. Wireless m??h technologies
(?u?h as ZigB??) ?l?? ?ll?w f?r d?vi??? t? g?
int? ?l??? m?d? when th?? are n?t being u??d,
whi?h h?l?? t? ?xt?nd th?ir b?tt?r? lif?.
5H?w M??h Networks Work?
Mesh networks work for ?n? t??? ?f radio signal,
and allow different t???? ?f devices t? ?igg?b??k
off???h other ?? nodes in a network, ???h node
??r??ding the r?di? signal a little further than
the l??t. While traditional networks r?l? ?n a
small numb?r of wired ?????? points ?r wireless
h?t???t? t? connect u??r?, a wireless m??h
network ??r??d? a network connection among dozens
?r ?v?n hundreds ?f wireless m??h n?d?? that
talk t? ???h other, ?h?ring the network
connection ??r??? a large ?r??. S?m? thinks ?f
the internet as being the worlds largest m??h
network. When using the internet, information
travels by being b?un??d automatically from ?n?
router t? the next until it r???h?? it?
destination. The internet h?? billions ?f
potential paths across which d?t? ??n travel. A
mesh network has a m?? that l??k? like a ??id?r?
w?b ?v?r?thing is connected t? ?v?r? thing