1Basic Skills for the Modern Homesteader
2Growing Food Growing your own food is a big part
of being a successful homesteader. Depending on
where you live, you may find that some some
vegetables and fruit grow better than others.
3Canning Produce Once you've planted a successful
crop, you will need to learn how to can the
produce to preserve it for the coming months.
4Creating Your Own Compost A good compost
pile is a vital part of a homesteaders garden.
Instead of throwing away food scraps, place them
in a compost pile to be used as fertilizer for
your plants.
5Saving Seeds Saving seeds is an important part of
being a great gardener. Not only will these seeds
be reused for the next crop, but you can actually
increase the quality of your vegetables by saving
only the best seeds.
6Baking Bread For those homesteaders who are tired
of purchasing bread in the grocery store,
learning how to bake this staple food is a must.
7Herbal Medicine Having a stockpile of natural
medicine for emergencies is a must for the
8 Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency.
It is characterized by home preservation of
foodstuffs and subsistence agriculture! It may
also involve the small scale production of
textiles and craftwork for household use or sale.
And, Homestead.org is a place to learn
homesteading and build a sane, earth-based