Title: Features that mining uniforms must have
1Features that mining uniforms must have
H T T P S / / W W W . U N I F O R M
S . C O M . A U /
2Mining might easily makes it to the list of
most health-risking jobs out there, as danger
at some degree of extent is always there in
every vigorous job.
3To carry out demanding jobs like mining, bright-
coloured and reflective clothing or wearing
protective uniforms is necessary as it results
in improved visibility which further helps in
avoiding collisions, while working at a site
dealing in traffic.
4For abrasion resistance, fabrics like nylon,
cordura, kevlar, etc. are generally used and
preferred. They are comparatively cheaper than
other materials and are waterproof and feel more
comfortable in hot, wet and humid conditions.
5Some of the mining work wear may contain extra
padding on elbows and knees, although padding can
be used additionally along with protective
helmets, boots, goggles and other safety gears.
6The uniform vests should ideally contain
reflective colours, as they are worn over
jackets or shirts and are easily visible from a
distance, this makes them highly effective in
dark or minimal light conditions.
7Jackets are generally manufactured using nylon,
kevlar, leather etc., so as to make them robust
and sustainable to adverse conditions. Trouse
rs may be made from the same material as
jackets, but user may look for additional
protection like padding at knees or hip area.
8Apart from the safety clothing, safety gear is
also of utmost importance for a worker, so as
to protect the other body parts from harsh
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