Title: All Puffed Up For Winter
1All Puffed Up For Winter
2Belted Puffer
3According to the weather forecast it seems that
summer is coming to an end really fast this year.
September may sometimes surprise you with last
sunrays and fine days, but now is really the time
to start thinking about your winter
wardrobe.You probably have all the staples in
place such as sweaters, warm trousers and jeans,
but does your winter coat need replacing?If so,
you really ought to have a look at a Belted
Puffer coat as these are very much in fashion and
are a practical addition because this garment is
both warm and shower proof.Because there are
many of these coats available at the moment you
need to know some facts about them in order to
make an informed decision.They come in a
variety of price ranges, depending on the warmth
they will give you. What they have all in common
is a quilted patchwork. This is because they have
a fleecy material stitched between outer and
inner materials.
4The effect of this is that warm body heat is
trapped within the quilting rather than be
released into the cold air. The more expensive
ones will have down within the quilting whilst
the cheaper garments will have been produced with
the use of synthetic materials.Whilst they are
both lightweight, the jackets filled with down
are a little heavier. However, they will also be
warmer than the coats that are made with
synthetic materials. They do not have to be
inferior though if the manufacturer chooses the
right synthetics and knows how insulation
works.Of course they should do otherwise they
would soon be out of business. Since our weather
does not reach truly sub-zero temperatures, you
could get away with a cheaper jacket, but you
should still research your chosen make. To this
end, social media is a useful tool.The best
coat you could go for in our weather is the one
that has a layered surface, has a breathable
material on the inside and a waterproof one on
the outside. The latter is important in rain as
if it is permeable, you will soon end up wearing
a coat that has become extremely heavy and will
drench you to the core.
5You may think that they make you look ungainly
and fatter. This is why a coat with a belt will
give you a better shape. Their popularity is such
that you do not have to worry much about this
aspect though, as with the right clothing they
look very stylish.If you are into winter sports
your primary concern should be that you are able
to move freely within them. For normal wear
during the winter months this is not too much of
a concern and you will be able to find a style
that is more fitted.
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