Title: Common Myths About Egg Donation Process
1Common Myths About Egg Donation Process
(516) 512-8888
2The generosity and empathy of an egg donor gives
infertile couples a chance to build their family.
The egg donors egg enables couples, individuals
and same-sex couples with an egg that will make
having a baby possible. Although Egg Donation
Process is quickly becoming a common procedure
with ample educational resources available for
the public to read and understand, many perilous
myths continue to flourish. To help dispel some
of these myths, Rite Options has a list of some
of the most common untruths about egg donation.
(516) 512-8888
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4Only Older Women require the assistance of an Egg
Donor While it is true that the quantity and
quality of an adult females eggs does decrease
with age, this is NOT the only thing she might
require the assistance of an egg donor.
Reproductive disorders and other infertility
issues can lead a couple to seek donated eggs.
For example, same-sex male couples require an egg
from an egg donor as well as a surrogate to give
birth to a child. Additionally, a woman nearing
her forties may develop a condition called
premature ovarian failure or POF. In this
condition, the ovaries stop working normally.
However, this condition can be treated, but if it
is unsuccessful, then the woman will have to seek
egg donation.
(516) 512-8888
5If you donate any of your eggs, you will become
infertile Most women who donate their eggs are
mothers themselves. In addition, when a female is
born, she is equipped with thousands of eggs.
Gradually, she will lose these eggs as a part of
aging. Therefore donating some of these eggs will
not stifle her chances of conceiving a baby of
her own. It hurts to donate eggs The entire
egg donation process is performed under the
supervision and guidance of a trained and
experienced reproductive physician. During the
actual procedure, the egg donor will receive a
light intravenous sedation to prevent discomfort.
The actual egg harvesting procedure is quite
short and lasts up to thirty minutes.
(516) 512-8888
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7After the procedure is complete, the donor is
taken to a recovery room to rest for at least an
hour. A follow up visit will also be requested a
week after the procedure. Except for the mild
discomfort experienced when the IV is
administered, egg donation is virtually pain
free! The process of egg donation offers hope to
many individuals who are unable to have a child
of their own. Unfortunately, despite all the
factual information available at our fingertips,
there are still many myths and untruths out there
about the entire egg donation process. The best
way to dispel these myths and gain a clearer
understanding is by speaking to an authorized egg
donation centre. Contact us at Rite Options
today to learn about the many wonderful benefits
of egg donation.
(516) 512-8888
Address(1) 1225 Franklin Avenue Suite 325,
Garden City, NY 11530
Address(2) 1800 JFK Blvd Suite 300,
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone (516) 512-8888 Fax (516) 512-8892
Website https//riteoptions.com/egg-donation/dono
(516) 512-8888