Title: What is the role of Office 365 clutter feature?
1What is the role of Office 365 clutter feature?
2Clutter is a tool that helps in arranging the
emails in your mailbox. With the help of this
tool, your low priority emails go out of your
inbox so that you can easily find important
messages. This analyzes your email habits, based
on your behavior and it easily recognizes which
messages you most like to ignore. Then it moves
these messages to a folder named clutter, where a
user has the opportunity to review them later if
required. Office 365 support experts can also
help you in this regard.
3What are the steps to enable and disable this
feature in your mailbox? Users can easily enable
and disable its features by following these given
directions First, you need to login to Office 365
with this URL https//outlook.office365.com/owa/ui
owa.edu/?path/options/clutter by entering your
username and password. In order to enable this
feature, you need to check mark an option named
Separate items identified. And to disable this
feature, you need to uncheck Separate items
identified and then click Save to apply the
changes you have made.
4What kind of emails will automatically bypass
clutter? If the University of Lowa Office 365
Email is configured so this way many email
domains will bypass clutter sorting and deliver
an email directly to your mailbox. If you have
activated this feature it will automatically
arrange emails from non-bypassed domains.
5(No Transcript)
6How to train this tool? When you use OWA and you
want to mark your emails as Not Clutter then
right click on an email and there click Mark as
not clutter or you can drag it to your mailbox.
In case, the exchange is missing emails that you
want to remove, then right click on an email and
select Mark as clutter or drag it to its
folder. If you are using Outlook or any other
mail service, youll need to drag a mail to its
folder to drag it to your mailbox to mark it not
7You can drag the email to its folder in order to
train the tool to spot the same kind of mail in
the future. This tool gets smarter as the time
goes on by learning your prior action in your
mailbox with the same kind of mails. For more
information, dial Office 365 Customer support
number Australia 1-800-921-785 to converse with
an expert. Original Source