Title: Dr. Braverman on The Acetylcholine / Arthritis Connection
1Dr. Braverman on The Acetylcholine/Arthritis
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3Our brain chemical, acetylcholine, is a natural
moisturizer that helps retain fluid and maintains
the membrane coatings of cells. All acetylcholine
deficiencies lead to dehydration. Because it
controls moisture levels throughout the body,
when you experience a deficiency, moisture
evaporates and dryness occurs, followed by
inflammation. This three-part process is the
predecessor of arthritis. Arthritis flares up
when joint lubrication is lost and the body loses
its ability to relubricate, or maintain healthy
4Interestingly, when the brain loses its moisture,
cognitive deterioration begins. This is why as we
age, cognitive deterioration and bone loss often
occur simultaneously. Arthritis can be treated
by following an acetylcholine-boosting regimen,
including hormone therapies, proper diet,
supplements, and exercise. I can help. Call to
schedule an appointment or phone consultation.
5Author Bio Eric Braverman MDÂ is a Summa Cum
Laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis
University and NYU Medical School, did brain
research at Harvard Medical School, and trained
at an affiliate of Yale Medical School. He is
acknowledged worldwide as an expert in
brain-based diagnosis and treatment, and he
lectures to and trains doctors in anti-aging
medicine. Conact us Path Medical 304 Park
Avenue South New York, NY 10010