Title: Where to study Aeronautical engineering – India or Abroad
1Where to study Aeronautical engineering India
or Abroad?
2There are numerous number of departments
available in Engineering. Among them there are
certain courses are considered as unique courses.
These unique courses are available only in a
limited number of engineering colleges and it
requires special facilities for education.
Aeronautical engineering is one among them. It
is not available in all the engineering colleges
as it is available only in the best engineering
colleges in Chennai . It requires high class
lab facilities compared to other departments.
Along with this it also requires demo aircrafts
for practical training for its students.
3In earlier days, only very few engineering
colleges have these facilities in India. So,
many students opted to study Aeronautical
engineering in foreign countries rather than
studying in India. However, at the moment there
are numerous Aeronautical engineering colleges in
Chennai which has all these required facilities.
Those days were gone where you are required to
study only in abroad to get high class education.
4Having said that it is nothing wrong to study
Aeronautical engineering in abroad. The
facilities out there will always be superior than
in our country. Placement opportunities are
also higher if you study the course in a
university located in a foreign country. There
are distinct advantages and disadvantages if
choose to study in abroad or in India. It is up
to the individual to choose the best option
suitable for him.
5The main problem involved in studying in foreign
universities is the cost involved for education.
Education cost varies from country to
country. In some European countries like Germany
and Italy, education is subsidized by government,
so the fees will be less compared to other
countries like United states of America and
United Kingdom where the fees can be really high.
In particular for Aeronautical engineering,
fees can be quite higher than normal in foreign
6If you compare this with the cost of education in
India, it will be lost less. The cost can be
further reduced if you study in government
institutes like IITs. One major advantage of
foreign universities is their research facilities
which our universities in India are really
lacking. However, not all foreign universities
have sufficient research facilities. So, it is
up to you to decide whether to study in India or
abroad. Id personally recommend students to
study the undergraduate degree in any of the top
10 Aeronautical Engineering Colleges in
Chennai and study the post graduate degree in a
top foreign university.