Dr. Anagha Karkhanis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr. Anagha Karkhanis


Dr. Anagha Karkhanis – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Dr. Anagha Karkhanis

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IVF is an acronym for in vitro preparation and is
utilized to treat fruitfulness issues. IVF is
adding a sperm to his female accomplice's eggs to
create incipient organisms in the research
center(Cocoon Fertility IUI IVF Clinic ). These
fetuses are then returned to the female
accomplice's uterus with the goal that they
develop into an infant. We are focused on giving
the most ideal shot of having a child to patients
who are attempting to imagine. In vitro
preparation (IVF) is a wonderful alternative for
different couples who couldn't imagine a child
through typical treatments.
At IRMIC, our affirmed conceptive prescription
experts work intimately with our patients to give
them the most ideal results. The reason IVF is
done comprises of deterrents between the egg and
sperm, sperm-egg association issues, diminished
sperm quality and ovulation issues. These issues
can counteract couples having an infant normally
and this is the place IVF acts the hero.
IUI, IVF, Doctor
Dr. Anagha Karkhanis in Thane. Gynecologist and
Obstetrician Doctors with Address, Contact
Number, Photos, Maps. View Dr Anagha Karkhanis,
Thane on Ela.
One of the main gynecologists of the city, Dr.
Anagha Karkhanis gynecologist in Thane West has
set up the facility and has picked up a devoted
customer base in the course of recent years and
is additionally oftentimes gone to by a few big
names, yearning models and other noteworthy
customers and global patients also. They
additionally anticipate growing their business
further and giving administrations to a few more
patients attributable to its prosperity in the
course of recent years. The effectiveness,
devotion, accuracy and empathy offered at the
facility guarantee that the patient's prosperity,
solace and needs are kept of best need. The
facility is furnished with most recent sorts of
gear and gloats exceedingly progressed surgical
instruments that assistance in experiencing
fastidious surgeries or strategies. Finding the
medicinal services focus is simple as it is
Gokhale Road.
Administrations offered by Dr Anagha Karkhanis
Dr Anagha Karkhanis in Cocoon Fertility treats
the different diseases of the patients by helping
them experience great medications and techniques.
Among the various administrations offered here,
the facility gives medications to Uterine
Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis,
Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal
Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological
Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive
Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions.
The specialist is additionally recorded under
Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors. Besides,
the patients additionally visit the center for
Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests
and so on. The hours of operation of this
facility are from 1100 - 1700, all days of the
week. As methods of installments, the patients
can pay by means of Cash, Checks. For
additionally inquiries, approach the facility's
immediate helpline number - 91-7899912611. Tap
on the 'Book Appointment' tab above to book your
favored time of visit.
  • Fizzled customary treatment
  • Cervical factor
  • Male factor
  • Tubal blockage
  • Hereditary testing (PGD)
  • Hereditary testing (PGD) for various unnatural
    birth cycles
  • Endometriosis
  • Pelvic bonds

Egg gift gives an enormous chance to barren
couples to enable them to understand their
fantasy of having their own particular tyke.
There is no lack of couples who think that its
hard to consider andtherefore, require gave eggs
to get pregnant effortlessly. In egg gift
process, a barren lady utilizes occytes from a
benefactor to fulfill her desire of turning into
a mother. For forthcoming guardians, egg gift
is considered as treatment of final resort. Many
individuals don't know about this procedure of
getting to be guardians until and unless they are
being educated by a specialist or maybe they have
perused the Internet for the same. Egg gift is
prescribed to ladies with ovarian disappointment,
had a background marked by rehashed unsuccessful
labors, whose age is over 35 years, with
chromosomal variations from the norm and ladies
who are not ready to get pregnant with their own
particular eggs. At the point when an individual
turns into an egg benefactor, she offers life to
another family and plan to such a significant
number of proposed guardians.
DONOR EGGS She may have had disease treatment
and this may have prevented her ovaries from
working She doesn't create eggs on account of
more established maternal age She might be in
danger of bringing forth a tyke with hereditary
issue She has encountered an untimely menopause
We at IRMIC devoted for making the experience
as remunerating as could reasonably be expected
and give everything a patient needs to get the
most out of this amazing knowledge of lifetime.
Developing life FREEZING Developing life
Freezing is the system of solidifying incipient
organisms with a specific end goal to shield them
for sometime later. The In vitro treatment (IVF)
strategy, which utilizes fruitfulness pills to
encourage ovulation, habitually delivers scores
of developing lives after effective
execution.However, with headways in the
regenerative restorative science, the fetuses
would now be able to be solidified or
cryopreserved for later use by a similar couple
or by any another couple who wishes to utilize a
gave incipient organism. SCIENCE BEHIND EMBRYO
FREEZING The tissues of the fetuses are managed
by water like some other living life forms. This
water content must be killed with a specific end
goal to keep away from the arrangement of ice
precious stones. These ice precious stones may
prompt the breakage of the fragile developing
life cells. Subsequent to evacuating the water
content totally, the developing life cells are
joined with a cryo-protectant liquid (which
maintains a strategic distance from arrangement
of ice precious stones) and afterward fixed in a
plastic or glass module. With the assistance of a
customized machine, the total blend is solidified
in fluid nitrogen at a low temperature (- 196
degrees Fahrenheit).
Defrosting OF EMBRYOS The solidified incipient
organisms are expelled from the compartment and
raised to the air temperature amid the strategy
of defrosting. Additionally, the cry-o-protectant
liquid is gradually annihilated and later, it is
constricted with water. The whole procedure of
defrosting is done carefully as the incipient
organism cells are exceptionally sensitive and
break if water is sent into the cells too much.
The incipient organism is embedded in uterus in
the wake of carrying it at standard with the room
solidified incipient organisms can be effectively
accomplished for ladies with less than ideal
menstrual cycles or by ladies with different
issues identified with imagining. This exchange
is empowered by a characteristic cycle which
includes the preparing of the endometrium to
improve its receptivity to the developing lives.
As the rate of pregnancy with top notch
solidified developing lives is on a par with that
with new incipient organisms, you are along these
lines exhorted by the specialists to stop and
safeguard fetuses as opposed to disposing of
them. Aside from going about as protection in the
event of bombed new developing life exchange, the
strategy of solidifying a fetus is likewise
extensively less exorbitant than beginning
another cycle. Advantages OF EMBRYO FREEZING
Because of the creating innovation, it is
presently conceivable to solidify these
developing lives and safeguard them in fluid
nitrogen. You can make utilization of your extra
incipient organism at a later stage, in the event
that you get pregnant once more. The put away
incipient organisms empower you to dodge the
tedious technique of superovulation and egg
accumulation. Moreover, restorative specialists
have the conclusion that the receptivity of the
uterus to these fetuses is better as their
exchange is finished by regular strategies,
without including the utilization of any hormonal
What is incipient organism exchange?
Incipient organism exchange happens after eggs
have been gathered and treated in the research
center. Contingent upon your circumstance in
the vicinity of one and three of the best quality
incipient organisms are chosen and after that
exchanged to the lady's womb. A developing life
should effectively append itself to the mass of
the womb for pregnancy to start.
(No Transcript)
  • How does incipient organism exchange function?
  • The correct method for incipient organism
    exchange relies upon the facility you pick. A run
    of the mill system may include the accompanying
  • Stage 1.
  • A few days after the eggs are treated, the best
    quality developing lives are chosen to be
    exchanged to your womb.
  • On the off chance that you are younger than 40,
    maybe a couple incipient organisms can be
  • On the off chance that you are 40 or more than, a
    most extreme of three incipient organisms can be
    utilized (unless you are utilizing given eggs,
    when the greatest is two in light of the fact
    that these eggs will be from contributors who are
    not more seasoned than 35).
  • In the event that you have great quality fetuses,
    those that are not exchanged can be solidified. A
    few facilities may likewise offer blastocyst
    exchange, where incipient organisms are exchanged
    five to six days after treatment.

Stage 2. The specialist or attendant doing the
fetus exchange embeds a speculum into your
vagina. This is an indistinguishable method from
a cervical spread test where the speculum is
utilized to keep your vagina's divider separated.
A fine tube (catheter) is gone through the
cervix, regularly utilizing ultrasound direction.
The incipient organisms are passed down the tube
into the womb. This is regularly an agony free
technique and more often than not no sedation is
fundamental, yet you may encounter a little
uneasiness since you require a full bladder if
ultrasound is utilized.
Stage 3. It is for the most part prescribed
that you lead a delicate way of life amid the few
days after incipient organism exchange. Stage
4. Around two weeks after the developing life
exchange, you will be given a pregnancy blood
test. On the off chance that it is sure, you will
have an output around two weeks after the fact.
New system Metabolomics Specialists are at
present building up another strategy for
developing life choice Metabolomics. The
technique could possibly be utilized to
distinguish incipient organisms with the most
obvious opportunity with regards to implantation.
Metabolomics includes taking an example of the
liquid (culture media) from the dish an incipient
organism is creating in and testing it for levels
of specific atoms (metabolites). Specialists
are setting up which particles, and levels of
these atoms, compares to the most reasonable
What are the dangers of developing life exchange?
There are no huge dangers identifying with the
developing life exchange process itself. On the
off chance that you have never had a child or if
the channel of the cervix has not been evaluated
before the in vitro treatment (IVF) cycle was
begun, there can at times be troubles in passing
the fetus exchange catheter through the cervix.
While it is conceivable to extend the cervical
channel at the season of exchange, your master
may want to stay away from such intercessions as
of now. In extraordinary cases, your master may
conclude that it is to your greatest advantage to
postpone the incipient organism exchange and stop
every single reasonable developing life until
after the cervix has been extended. There are
critical dangers if more than one incipient
organism is exchanged you might need to consider
single fetus transfer.For more data on the issues
associated with various births, address your
  • What are my odds of getting pregnant after
    incipient organism exchange?
  • Female richness decreases with age, so on the off
    chance that you are utilizing your own eggs, all
    things considered, the more youthful you are, the
    higher your odds of accomplishment.
  • In the year 2011 (the year for which the latest
    information is accessible) for ladies accepting
    invigorated IVF utilizing crisp developing lives
    made with their own eggs, the level of cycles
    achieving fetus move that brought about a
    pregnancy (national normal) was
  • 40.6 for ladies matured under 35
  • 35.5 for ladies matured between 35-37
  • 28.1 for ladies matured between 38-39
  • 21.2 for ladies matured between 40-42
  • 11.2 for ladies matured between 43-44
  • 3.4 (0/81) for ladies matured 45 and over

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