Title: Cattle Handing Systems
1Cattle Corral Designs
2Any cattle handling system where you and 700kg of
burly beef are kept separate is a good idea. An
accident when you're working cattle alone can
have serious consequences. Especially in the pen
which feeds cattle into the chute (forcing pen).
I've worked in hundreds of different cattle
handling systems when disease testing cattle in
New Zealand, and saw many accidents in badly
designed forcing pens where handlers had to get
in with the cattle.
3One day I drew 11 ideas for safe gates, gates
latches and chutes and sent them to a magazine
that was offering 10 for a good farm idea. I
thought they might use a couple of the ideas.
They called me and said they'd like to use all 11
ideas for a feature article, and they pay me 150
for it! I started taking corral design a little
more seriously.
A few years later I designed a quite simple
forcing pen that you could control from a centre
platform. This proved so successful that it has
since been the subject of many magazine articles
in several countries. I've received many
testimonies from experienced cattlemen, and also
a number of beef industry designers/experts who
have viewed or worked in my corrals (see
testimonies at OneManCorrals.com.
4Cattle flow is also vital in a one-man system and
I use 8 ways to draw cattle into and through
cattle corrals. I've added over 100 "ideas" (150
diagrams) including some that can save you
hundreds on material costs - all available online
at OneManCorrals.
105 McKenzie Rd, Wilkesdale Kingaroy Qld,
4610 Australia Mobile - (61) 0481-188-656