Title: Tap Dance Program
1Tap Dance Program
2Tapatak Oz is a a one stop tapping shop where
you can access all the content you need for a
full year of classes in every level from 5
years through to pre-professional level.
3It is so simple. Just have your tap teacher
follow the programme and you are set to go!
4- No need to worry what they are teaching in class
- No need to worry if there will be consistency if
a teacher leaves and has to be replaced - No need to worry about the quality of what is
being taught in your tap classes
5Built around an flexible class structure, written
by a teacher for teachers. Exams mentoring
available. Tried and tested in classrooms all
round the world for the past 25 years.
6- Students inject their own creative moves within a
solid tap structure. Combine hip hop, funk,
blues, ragtime, a capella, modern dance and more.
7Save on seminars and expert tap teachers. Its
all on video anytime you need it for now and
the future.
8- FREE video explanation for parents to inspire
healthy expectations support. PLUS a media kit
to help boost those class numbers further.
9Anytime access to Christine Denny or one of our
tap experts for any teaching tips or questions
you may have by Skype and/or email.
10Your choice of tap dance syllabus beginners to
advanced, children to adults. Tap dancing made
easy and fun for students and teachers alike.
Find more here