Title: 9 Important Items Disaster Recovery Plans Should Include
19 Important Items Disaster Recovery Plans Should
2Designate your primary crisis Managers
- You should already have team leaders designated,
so they can hit the ground running and implement
your plan as smoothly as possible.
3List your Employees emergency contact
- This allows you to communicate updates with
employees and families.
4Identify major clients contact information
- In the event of a prolonged shutdown, you want to
keep clients informed by letting them know when
and where tour business will be up and running
5Keep a record of vital financial relationships
- Maintain a current list of account numbers and
contact information for banking, payroll,
insurance and other financial resources. Your
company needs access to these resources. Your
company needs access to these resources to
6Inventory your devices
- A list with serial numbers will come in handy if
a device fails, is stolen or is destroyed. It
also helps when it comes time to file an
insurance claim.
7Design an evacuation plan
- Designing an evacuation plan based on disaster
type will guide your employees on what to do
where to meet in case they need to vacate the
8Determine whos in charge of restoring the network
- Designate whos in charge of getting the network
back up and running, where your business
information is backed up and then practice
reestablishing your network.
9Create a potential purchase list
- This is a list of key items you would need to
purchase to get your office back up and running
as quickly as possible include where you can buy
these items i.e. power strips, vital software,
computers, office furniture, etc.
10Disaster recovery time estimates
- You need to have tested your policies and
procedures to see how long it takes to get your
systems back up and running. Practice how you are
going to do this until it becomes routine.
11Are You Really Protected?
Phreedom Technologies will assess your Backup
Recovery Systems . We will take the time to
understand your business, analyze your unique
situation and lay out cost effective solution as
per your needs.
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