Title: cluedo-game-games-icebreakers (1)
1(No Transcript)
2The characters
Miss Peacock
Colonel Mustard
Professor Plum
Mrs White
Everyone was staying at the manor for the
weekend. There was an aweful storm and all the
lights went off.
When the lights cameback, Professor Plum
screamed Scarlett was dead in the hall !
6Scarlett the victim 20 years old Very beautiful
and successful with men
7The light were off so I went looking for some
candles. I was lost in the dark and when the
lights came back I was in the hall and Mrs
Peacock was dead!!!
Professor Plum suspect n1 42 years old Engaged
to Miss Peacock Found the victim
8I am sorry but I cant help you I was sleeping
in the living room when I heard Plum screaming. I
run and saw Colonel Mustard running too. I think
he was in the kitchen
Mrs White suspect n2 70 years old Owns the
9Well, it seems ridiculous but I had just eaten
and I was cleaning my dish in the sink. I didnt
move because Im afraid of the dark! Then I heard
my fiancé screaming! It was aweful
Miss Peacock suspect n3 37 years old Engaged to
Professor Plum
10What do you want again? Ah yes I was in the
kitchen, I needed a glass of water. I heard
screaming I ran and saw Mrs White running from
the living room. You happy? Now leave me alone!
Colonel Mustard suspect n4 66 years old Retired
Friend with Mrs White
11I have a clue for you, but first you must solve
this enigma!
Before the lights went off, Professor Plum and
Scarlett were having an argument! She said she
was leaving and he was not happy
12I have another clue solve my enigma!
Congratulations! Heres my clue Scarlet owed
Money to Mrs White
- I am the adjective expensive in French
- I am a synonym to close with a key
- I am the room where Scarlet died
- I am the translation of my in the plural in
French - ? The solution is the name of a famous detective
13You want a real clue? I have one. But let me warn
you, my enigma is not easy
Wow! Im impressed. Heres what I know Scarlet
and the professor were having an affair!! And
Miss Peacock is a very jealous woman
Decode the sentence 23- 5 1- 18- 5
7- 15- 15- 4 4- 5- 20- 5- 3- 20- 9- 22-
5- 19
14So Whos the killer?