Title: What is a genset?
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TMTL - TAFE Motors and Tractors Limited, a wholly
owned subsidiary of Tractors and Farm Equipment
Limited (TAFE), consists of three manufacturing
divisions, the Tractors Division, the Engines
Division and the Transmissions Division. The
TMTL - Tractors Division caters to the dynamic
market demands and needs of the modern farmers
with a comprehensive range of tractors and
implements. The division is perhaps the sole
manufacturer of both air and water-cooled
tractors across the globe. Its top-of-the-line
Research and Development facility is capable of
designing and developing new tractor models with
its in-house prototype development and
tooling/manufacturing competencies, setting
exemplary standards in the industry.
What is a genset? Genset is silent diesel
generator which is a combination of diesel engine
and electric generator. An engine-generator is a
machine used to generate electricity. TAFE Motors
and Tractors Limited (TMTL) is one of the best
manufacturers of diesel engines in India with its
origins in German engineering and technology and
a heritage of over 55 years. It has Eicher engine
gensets ranging from 5kVA to 45kVA and TMTL
engine gensets from 62.5kVA above. From 5 to 25
kVA our gensets are naturally aspirated 30 and
35 kVA are turbo charged, and 35 to 45 kVA are
turbo charged with after cooler to make it
extremely fuel efficient. In the 62kVA range, all
the gensets are turbo charged with after cooler
leading to superior fuel efficiency. The gensets
can work for a longer durations without stopping
even under hot weather conditions. For more
information, you can visit their website or
their Facebook page.