Title: Wrongful Termination In California – What The Law Says
2The Law Says...
- When it comes to laws surrounding wrongful
termination laws, a fairly lax in comparison to a
lot of other states. This allows employers to get
away with more than they would in other states
and firing employees without much reason and
wrongfully is, even more, easier than in other
states. - Within California employees are allowed to leave
the job when and as they wish. This is known as
at will employment. This situation works both
ways, employers can fire an employee for any
reason given at any time. However, there are some
reasons that will be classed as wrongful
3What Does California Law State Is Wrongful
- If you have a good cause or a just cause contract
there may instances that you can may be able to
fire a wrongful termination suit.
4These contracts stipulate that you may only fire
an employee when there is a good reason or just
cause to do so. Normally these contracts are
negotiated for the employee through the use of a
union. Even though this contract may allow you to
have grounds for a case, it does not make it
certain you will win. If your employer can prove
the reasons for your employment ending was
justified then you will not win the case.
5If the basis for your termination was illegal
such as bias against gender or age or perhaps
even racism then you have a case for wrongful
termination. In court you will have to have
enough evidence to prove that the termination of
your employment is without a shadow of a doubt
illegal. If you can prove the reasons then your
termination of employment will be classed
If you are fired for refusing to perform illegal
actions such as insider trading, then you also
have a case for wrongful termination. Terminating
an employee for taking time of for jury duty or
whistleblowing is also taken as illegal reasons.
You also cannot be fired for exercising your
statutory rights like refusing a search or lie
detector test is not also taken as valid grounds
for termination and could end up as some grounds
for a wrongful termination case.
Illegal Reasons
6If you have been facing any of the situations and
believe that you have been terminated from
employment wrongly, it is always a good idea to
contact a Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyer
to guide you through the process.
Due to the laws being so lose around the subject
in California this is where a Californian
wrongful termination lawyer that is well versed
in California wrongful termination law by your
side. Find out your best options for a wrongful
termination lawsuit in California by contacting
the Law office of Rager Law.
7Speak To Wrongful Termination Attorney At Rager
Law Offices
8Way To Rager Law Firm
Website https//www.ragerlawoffices.com/contact
Address 1055 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA
90017 Phone No. 310-527-6994