Title: Myths about Domestic Violence in California
1Myths About Domestic Violence In California
Undoubtedly, domestic violence is a very serious
matter. In fact, in California alone, law
enforcement agencies receive more than 150,000
domestic violence calls every year.
3Accused Of Domestic Violence
- People accused of domestic violence often fail in
their efforts to mount a successful defense for
two reasons - The police, district attorneys, and prosecutors
treat domestic violence claims seriously and
almost always side with the victim. - And the second reason is that there are many
myths that have been misleading both the accusers
and accused in domestic violence cases.
4Common Myths In California
5Domestic Violence Protections Are Broader
- People in Los Angeles and all across California
wrongly believe that domestic violence
protections extend only to spouses. Apart from
spousal battery and physical abuse of a spouse,
domestic violence laws in California also protect
current and former members of a household, as
well as current and former intimate partners and
6Verbal Abuse Is Just As Bad As Physical Abuse
- If you only told your spouse I will kill you
but did not physically abuse him or her, it does
not necessarily mean that you are out of harms
way. In fact, verbal abuse against a spouse,
member of a household, intimate partner and
cohabitant is just as serious as physical abuse,
according to California laws.
7DV Claims From Cohabitants Are Taken Seriously,
- Domestic violence allegations from spouses,
partners, and cohabitants are treated equally
seriously by the police, district attorneys, and
prosecutors. According to California law, a
cohabitant is someone who is unrelated to you
but has been living with you for a substantial
period of time, resulting in some permanency of
the relationship.
8Case Cannot Be Dismissed Even If The Accuser
Drops The Charges
- In the past, a person accused of domestic
violence coerced the accuser to drop the charges,
which resulted in the dismissal of the case. But
lawmakers in California have revised the law ever
since, and now only the prosecutor can press
charges or dismiss the case. - Typically, a domestic violence case can be
dismissed if your Los Angeles domestic violence
defense attorney can show evidence that the
accusations are false or exaggerated, or you were
acting in self-defense.
9Get Arrested For Spousal Or Partner Abuse?
10- Getting arrested on suspicion of domestic
violence does not make you guilty. There is still
a way to protect your rights, mount a criminal
defense, avoid or reduce the penalties, and fight
for your freedom and dignity. Get legal advice
from the best domestic violence defense lawyers
in California here at the Okabe Haushalter law
Okabe Haushalter
- 1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 300 Manhattan Beach,
- One Sansome Street, Suite 3500 San Francisco, CA
94104 - Phone (818) 722-3452
- Fax 310-316-2306
Contact the legal team at Okabe Haushalter and
schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.