Title: Basic Guidelines for Tachometer Troubleshooting
1Basic Guidelines for
Tachometer Troubleshooting
2In modern cars, the most striking dials installed
on the front dashboard belong to the tachometer.
3 A tachometer is a device used to provide the
live measurement of an engine's RPM value, which
is the indicator of the power drawn from the
4As in humans, a high pulse rate is bad for the
heart, similarly a high RPM rate is not good for
the car engine.
5High RPM(Revolutions Per Minute) can lead to
overheating of the engine and eventually failure.
6Working of a tachometer
7Tachometers measure the RPM of an engine by
measuring the crankshaft rotation rate.
8It generally happens by attaching an electrical
generator device that generates electric current
proportional to the rotation rate of the
9The instrument is calibrated to display the RPM
reading proportional to the generated current.
10Basic troubleshooting
11There are several types of problems that could
occur with a tachometer and those are mostly
traced to be mechanical or electronic faults.
12The tachometer problems are easy to solve and can
be done by yourself with simple troubleshooting
13 Display failure
14When the tachometer is not showing any reading on
its display, the reason might be the failure of
the LED display.
15LED displays that have been in use for long, may
blackout due to some damage to the internal
16This problem can be easily fixed by getting the
LED display replaced with a new one.
17Wire connections
18Many times corroded wire connections and breakage
may be the reason for the non-functioning of the
19The classic symptom of a loose wire connection is
an erratic display of readings.
20 Check the tachometer wiring section in the car
manual and try to fix the loose connections and
replace the corroded wires.
21Calibration problems
22 Another major source of problems in a tachometer
calibration which has gone out of order or not
23In such case, the RPM readings are either very
low or unusually high as compared to the engine's
working status.
24This problem can be resolved by simply resetting
the digital tachometer and if the problem
persists, then consult a technician.
25Importance of tachometer
26The tachometer is an important part of the car
that needs to be in working condition as without
it you cannot keep an eye on the engine.
27 It helps in the monitoring the engine's working
condition, it's overall health and to diagnose
any problems.
28 It allows you to control your speed limit as per
the roads and have a better efficiency of the car.
Thank You!