Title: Know the kind of fruits recommended in hepatitis-c treatment
1Presentedbychawla medicos
- Pharmaceutical Exporter/Suppliers Wholesaler
2Who we are?
- CHAWLA MEDICOS is a dynamic and fast growing
pharmaceutical Service business firm having a
distinct business model completely dedicated to
supplying distributing the difficult to access
medicines to needy patients so as to enhance the
quality of people's lives all across the globe.
Chawla medicos has its registered office at New
Delhi, India. - We are supplier and distributor of hepatitis C
medicine such as Ledifos, NatDac, RESOF,MyDacla,
MyHepLVR, Sofovir, DaclaHep, Hepcinat LP,
Hepcinat, SoviHep, Sofab, Sofocure, Sofosbuvir,
MyHep etc. Chawla medicos is a reckoned Exporter,
Wholesaler, Distributor Supplier of Hepatitis C
Medicines, HIV, Viral Hepatitis, Anti Cancer
3Know The Kind OfFruits Recommended In
Hepatitis-c Treatment
- Introduction
- Hepatitis c is a type of virus that goals the
liver. In addition to the hcv treatment, eating
liver-friendly food can help in repairing and
preventing liver damage. Fruits are very helpful
part of our diet. They can make our liver strong
and help to fight with the virus. Eat fruit in
your daily life can boost our metabolism. If you
want to know more about fruit diet recommended in
hep c yu may visit bit.ly/2zQtM5o
4Helpful fruits use in Hepatitis C
- Apple is yet another great fruit to consume while
suffering or recovering from hepatitis C. - It is loaded with vitamins and minerals that help
in speed up liver repair
- Mango is an excellent fruit thats rich in
vitamins and minerals. It is preferred for those
having hepatitis C - vitamins and minerals boost our immune power.
Complex carbohydrates also play an important role
in the upkeep of liver health. Breads, cereals
and grains are all rich sources of complex
carbohydrates. In addition, they also contain
Vitamin B, fiber, minerals and zinc.
- Grains are also loaded with complex
carbohydrates. Therefore, they should also be
added to the eating regime from someone with
hepatitis C.
- Oatmeal and whole oats are also rich in complex
carbohydrates and hence suggested for those
suffering or recovering from hepatitis C.
Proteins are helpful in maintaining good liver
health. By simply substituting a portion of
carbohydrates with proteins, several health risks
can be reduced. This is especially true for
- Proteins are helpful in repairing liver damage.
Cheese is an excellent source of proteins.
However, you need to limit the consumption and
not have it daily as it is also loaded with fats.
- Dairy products like milk and curd are rich in
proteins. They also have fats. Low-sugar or
sugar-free dairy products are even more preferable
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9Thank you
Mr. Ravinder Singh Chawla
919999098733, 011-40366668