Title: BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
1BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
2BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 1 Assignment For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com C
Overview for the Capstone Project Details
This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC)
assignment. Students will create a strategic
business plan in teams for their culminating
project in BUS-485. The structure of this
assignment is comprehensive and integrative. It
requires synthesis and evaluation of information,
skills, and knowledge developed throughout the BS
program at COB.
3BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 1 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Pick a
publicly traded company. Describe its competitive
advantage using the resource-based model of above
average returns.
4BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 1 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What are
vision and mission statements? What is their
value for the strategic management process?
Select an example of strong Vision/Mission (cite
your source). What are its positive
5BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 2 Assignment 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Details
Students will create a strategic business plan
in teams for their culminating project in
BUS-485. The structure of this assignment is
comprehensive and integrative. It requires
synthesis and evaluation of information, skills,
and knowledge developed throughout the BS program
at COB.
6BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 2 Assignment 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CLC
Exercise 2 What Does the Future Look Like?
Details This is a CLC assignment. In teams,
refer to Chapter 2, Experiential Exercises
Exercise 2 What Does the Future Look Like?
Select a trend, technology, entertainment, or
design that will significantly impact business in
the near future.
7BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 2 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Compare
Google with Facebook. In terms of the five forces
of competition, do you feel these companies view
one another as competitors? Why or why not?
8BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 2 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Describe
the elements of an organizations external
environment. Why is it important to understand
the external environment?
9BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 3 Assignment For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Marketing
Plan for the Capstone Project Details
Students will create a strategic business plan
for their culminating project in BUS-485. The
structure of this assignment is comprehensive and
integrative. It requires synthesis and evaluation
of information, skills, and knowledge developed
throughout the BS program at COB.
10BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 3 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Why is it
important to conduct a SWOT analysis? What are
the weaknesses of a SWOT analysis? Why is that so?
11BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 3 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Why is
sustainable competitive advantage a critical
strategy-making consideration?
12BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 4 Assignment For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Organizatio
nal Plan Details Students will create a
strategic business plan for their culminating
project in BUS-485. The structure of this
assignment is comprehensive and integrative. It
requires synthesis and evaluation of information,
skills, and knowledge developed throughout the BS
program at COB.
13BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 4 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com How can
you determine a core competency?
14BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 4 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What is
the relationship between capabilities and core
15BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 5 Assignment For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CLC
Financial Plan for the Capstone Project
Details This is a Collaborative Learning
Community (CLC) assignment. Write the Financial
Plan for your organization (a minimum of 500
words). Create the accompanying spreadsheet(s)
and address the following in your plan
16BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 5 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What are
the different levels of diversification firms can
pursue by using different corporate level
strategies and what are the advantages to
diversifying their operations?
17BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 5 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What do
you think are the criteria a firm should use to
evaluate targets for acquisition and how should a
company plan and undertake its merger acquisition
strategic initiatives?
18BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 6 Assignment 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BUS 485
Week 6 Assignment 1
19BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 6 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com An
international strategy can take many forms.
Explain what a global strategy is and how is it
different from a multi-domestic strategy. What
are the traditional and emerging reasons/motives
that firms expand internationally?
20BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 6 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What are
some of the special features of competing in
foreign markets?
21BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 7 Assignment 1 CLC For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Strategic
Leadership and Entrepreneurship for the Capstone
Project Details This is a Collaborative
Learning Community (CLC) assignment.
22BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 7 Assignment 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Benchmark
Assignment Executive Summary As your team has
worked through the business plan, it is important
for leaders to develop their vision for the
future of their organization. Individually
develop an Executive Summary (a minimum of 500
words) for your teams strategic business plan.
Describe each section of the plan in a few
sentences so the reader better
23BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 7 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Discuss
the role of organizational controls and explain
their importance.
24BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 7 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Why is it
necessary to regularly evaluate business strategy?
25BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 8 Assignment 2 Benchmark For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Caps
tone Presentation Details Create a visually
engaging, professionally designed PowerPoint
presentation (10-15 slides) to deliver the
findings of your Capstone project. Your
presentation will be evaluated based on the
26BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 8 Discussion 1 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com What are
the most effective leadership styles? Why are
they effective? In your opinion, what are the
least effective leadership styles? Explain.
27BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com
BUS 485 Week 8 Discussion 2 For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Why are
innovation and entrepreneurial spirit important
to market entry or market expansion? Give examples
28BUS 485 Education for Service--tutorialrank.com