Average IQ Score By Age - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Average IQ Score By Age


The way IQ is measured depends on how you perform on a specific test compared to others of your age group. So, understanding average IQ score by age is an important distinction to make. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Average IQ Score By Age

What Is The Average IQ Score By Age?
IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a number that
represents certain aspects of an individuals
cognitive skill. It essentially measures your
ability to apply logical reasoning and to solve
problems. The way IQ is measured depends on how
you perform on a specific test compared to
others of your age group. So, understanding
average IQ score by age is an important
distinction to make. What is intelligence? How
do you know if youre a smart person? Well, lets
have a look at how IQ scores are calculated and
how average IQ score by age can differ.
How Are IQ Scores Measured? According to Dennis
Garlick of the UCLA Department of Psychology, IQ
tests score is based on a formula childs
mental age divided by their chronological age
and multiplied by 100. 100 is the average score
for most IQ tests. The number of questions
answered correctly on a test also known as the
raw score is averaged for children of varying
ages. That score is then compared to the
averages to determine a childs average IQ score
by age. IQ tests measure several cognitive
abilities, including spatial reasoning, fluid
reasoning, and verbal intelligence. Lets have a
look at a practical example of how to calculate
an IQ score and what scores are considered poor
and superior.
What Is The Normal IQ Of A 12 Year Old? If a
10-year-old childs raw score on their IQ test
was the same as that of the average 12-year-old,
that child would be assigned a mental age of 12.
And if we were to calculate that childs IQ
level using the formula mentioned previously, we
would get Mental Age/Chronological age
multiplied by 100 (12/10)100 120 Now, if we
were to measure the IQ score of a 15-year old
with the same mental age, we would get (12/15)
Keep in mind that both children have the same raw
scores on their IQ tests but the IQ score
differs because of their different ages. What IQ
Should A 14 Year Old Have? The purpose of these
tests is to compare children with others of their
own age to get a measure of relative
intelligence. This way, a childs absolute
intelligence increases when their brain matures
at the age of 16. What IQ score should a 14 year
old have? Well, should and shouldnt are
dangerous words to use when it comes to IQ.
Generally speaking, IQ scores for 14-year-olds
range from 95-105. But anything outside this
range is also perfectly acceptable. As Jim
Kwik, Author of Mindvalleys Superbrain Program
says, We need to understand how our minds work
so we can work our minds better. Is 120 A Good
IQ Score? Any IQ score of 120 and above is
considered to be in the gifted range. But
understanding whether or not 120 is considered to
be a good IQ score will make more sense in the
context of general population.
What Is The Normal Range For IQ? When it comes
to grasping the average IQ score by age, the
range definitely varies. There are a number of
different IQ tests that are administered by
licensed psychologists. There are also a series
of subtests that are designed to measure
language skills, mathematical abilities, memory
reasoning and so on. The most common types of IQ
tests include ? o The Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale for Adults ?
  • The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
  • ?
  • The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
  • ?
  • The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
  • ?
  • The Cognitive Assessment System
  • The Differential Ability Scales
  • ?
  • o
  • The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities
  • In all of these tests, any score between 80-119
    is considered average. IQ scores that are 80 or
    below are considered below average. The range
    between 120129 is considered well-above-average,
    and any score in the 130-145 range is viewed as
  • Whats important to remember about IQ tests is
    that theyre only capable of measuring a narrow
    set of cognitive abilities. And new research in
    this field has revealed that we may actually
    possess up to nine different types of
    intelligence. And you can develop each of them by
    learning and improving your brain functions.
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