Title: https://www.drworkout.fitness/yoga-poses-for-mental-health/
Having a good stretch in the morning feels is
great. But theres a lot more to stretching that
we know. Yoga exercises implement stretching
exercises that go beyond just the perks of
flexibility or keeping a fit body. The ancient
practice is able to trigger important shifts in
brain function and thereby provide special
psychological benefits. For instance, yoga seems
to help people with anxiety control their
emotions in a better way.
How Yoga Asanas Improve Mental Health?
The practice of yoga isnt a new intervention in
the treatment of psychiatric disorders. The
practice has been studied closely and is known to
improve not only a persons physical but mental
well-being as well. It has been successful in the
treatment of disorders like anxiety, insomnia,
and depression. It also is a beneficial
complementary treatment for conditions like
schizophrenia, ADHD and cognitive impairment in
older people. It is also known to improve
memory. We hear the word stress ever so often
and soon forget about its implications. Stress
isnt just about being in a bad mood. Stress
affects the body in so many negative ways that
it can eventually lead to the development of an
actual physical illness. Luckily the body has its
own built-in mechanisms to counteract stress.
This is commonly known as the relaxation
response. Yoga is a great way to enhance the
relaxation response. Today, everyone knows about
yoga and has heard of its benefits. Yoga helps
improve blood flow and is able to keep hemoglobin
levels at an increased level as well as the red
blood cells. This essentially means that more
oxygen reaches the bodys cells and improves
their functions. There are specific types of
yoga asanas that help with mental illness
although yoga in itself is beneficial to the
body and mind. Here are some of the best
exercises in yoga that can help a person improve
their inner strength and get rid of frustrations.
Best Yoga Asanas To Improve Mental Health
- Twisting
- Inverted
- Downward Facing Dog
- Childs Pose
- Poses for the hips
- Shoulderstand
- Bridge Pose
- Low Cobra
- Savasana
- To know more/ https//www.drworkout.fitness/yoga-