Title: Ear Wax Removal Melbourne
MELBOURNE largest independent and family- owned
hearing care provider.
I N F O _at_ H E A R I N G P R O . C O M . A U
6 1 L I V I N G S T O N E S T R E E T I V A N H O
3 0 7 9
( 0 3 ) 9 4 9 9 4 0 9 4 W W W . H E A R I N G P R
O . C O M . A U
2If your ears are painful, infected or bleeding
please contact your Doctor and seek medical
advice. At Hearing Professionals, we offer ear
wax removal Melbourne by the curette method or
by using micro-suction. C U R E T T E M E T H O
D This is a dry method which uses a wax loop (or
jobson horn) to remove pieces of wax. The wax
loop is circular and has no edges for the safe
removal of wax. This is done using a specialised
bright light headlamp (Lumiview or Vorotek)
which alters the bifocal vision of the clinician
to look deep into the ear canal. This method is
most common for hearing aid users. M I C R O -
S U C T I O N At selected clinics, we use ENT
surgical grade microscopes, which can look deep
into the ear canal with magnification. This
combined with a specialist medical grade
micro-suction machine allows for the safe and
painless removal of deep and/or stubborn ear wax.
If possible the ear wax should be softened with
a proprietary ear wax softening spray, available
from your chemist, at least 2-3 days prior to
your appointment. S I G N S A N D S Y M P T O M
S O F E A R W A X B U I L D U P The appearance of
earwax varies from light yellow to dark brown.
Darker colours do not necessarily indicate that
there is a blockage. Signs of earwax buildup
include sudden or partial hearing loss, which is
usually temporary tinnitus, which is a ringing
or buzzing in the ear a feeling of fullness in
the ear earache
I N F O _at_ H E A R I N G P R O . C O M . A U W W
W . H E A R I N G P R O . C O M . A U
3These unremoved earwax buildup can lead to
infection. So, contact our nearest any Audiology
Clinic Melbourne if you experience the symptoms
of infection, such as severe pain in your
ear pain in your ear that does not subside
drainage from your ear fever coughing persistent
hearing loss an odour coming from your ear
dizziness Its important to note that hearing
loss, dizziness, and earaches also have many
other causes. You should see your doctor if any
of these symptoms are frequent. A full medical
evaluation can help determine whether the
problem is due to excessive earwax or another
health issue entirely.
I N F O _at_ H E A R I N G P R O . C O M . A U
- W W W . H E A R I N G P R O . C O M . A U