1Microsuction Treatment
- Having blocked ears is an intensely unpleasant
experience. It can cause hearing loss, lead to
ear infections and can also make some people feel
dizzy. Most people want to get this problem
treated as quickly and safely as possible. As
medical professionals working in ENT we only
practice micro suction as this is the most
effective way of maintaining aural hygiene. Micro
suction is a wax-removal technique using a
binocular operating microscope (which allows
depth-perception and magnification) to look
straight into the ear canal and a very fine
sterile suction device at low pressure to remove
the wax. Occasionally we may need to use other
instruments to remove hard wax. The technique
means that we can always see what we are doing
and can avoid touching the skin of the sides of
the ear canal which makes the process a lot more
comfortable. Unlike ear syringing and ear
irrigation, it is safe for people who have a
perforated eardrum, previous infections or an ear
2Ear Care Clinic For Children
We understand that special attention towards your
childs ears is essential, If you think your
child may have an ear infection, we can assess
your child with a quick appointment for
treatment. Microsuction is a safe, gentle, and
effective technique for a child, you will need to
administer softening drops into the ear before
your visit. Compounded wax in the ear makes it
hard for children to sit through the Microsuction
treatment, although we assure you it is painless.
Softening before the session will make it more
comfortable, effortless, and efficient all
around. The cost for a child consultation and
treatment is 90.00
3Microsuction ear wax removal, home visits for
Staffordshire Cheshire
We also offer instant microsuction earwax removal
in your own home if that suits you better, we
also provide this service to care homes and
nursing homes. Price from 85.00.
4Emergency clinic Newcastle Under Lyme
- For out of hours Microsuction ear wax removal
emergencies, you must call to make an
appointment. The cost of an appointment is
Our clinic opening hours are 9 am till 6 pm
Monday till Friday, If you have ear ache and
consider your need to be urgent please call our
clinic number if it is after hours and we will
call you back.Out of hours treatment is
available after 6.30pm and at any time over the
weekends (a 50 surcharge is applicable).
5A1 Ear Care, king Street, Newcastle Under Lyme,
Get in Touch
Please Visit www.a1earcare.co.uk
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