Title: Sky Discovery Services
1Sky Discovery Services
Forensic collection and preservation ensures that
any data collected is held to the highest level
of integrity. With a robust methodology and
trained experts to collect all forms of ESI, Sky
Discovery has a proven track record in forensic
collections that are legally admissible.
2Sky Discovery Services
Sky Discovery uses the latest Relativity
processing engine to filter and process client
data without it ever leaving the Relativity
solution. This reduces the amount of time taken
to stage and load data and quickly prepare a
dataset for review.
3Sky Discovery Services
Early case assessment (ECA) is the process of
targeting the key intelligence which will
ultimately guide case strategy early on in a
legal matter.
4Sky Discovery Services
Sky Discovery utilises Relativity, the most
feature rich eDiscovery platform in the market to
provide a seamless experience from start to
finish for clients and their litigation projects.
5Sky Discovery Services
Sky Discovery utilises Relativity, the most
feature rich eDiscovery platform in the market to
provide a seamless experience from start to
finish for clients and their litigation projects.
6Sky Discovery Services
Active Learning is an application that lets you
run continuously updated queues of documents for
review, based on your review strategy. The
advantages of Active Learning include real-time
intelligence, efficiency, flexibility, and
integration with all the power of the Relativity
7Sky Discovery Services
- EDiscovery Managed Services
Active Learning is an application that lets you
run continuously updated queues of documents for
review, based on your review strategy. The
advantages of Active Learning include real-time
intelligence, efficiency, flexibility, and
integration with all the power of the Relativity
8Sky Discovery Services
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