Title: Crowdtesters Will Tear Your Software Down. Are You Prepared?
1 Crowdtesters Will Tear Your
Software Down. Are You Prepared?
2Key reasons for Integrating Performance Testing
Tools in the world of DevOps
A panorama of the current IT landscape presents a
holistic view of all the game-changing processes
that organizations are following. Digital
transformation has become the top strategic
priority for them to stay ahead in the race to
customers heart. They are moving on from the
legacy software development methodologies to
adopt Agile and DevOps to facilitate faster
deployment cycles. While the need for
cost-reduction, worker productivity, and
regulatory compliance will take a possible dip in
the next couple of years, the need to achieve
customer satisfaction will become a
necessity. As speed and quality in software
delivery become imperative, the existing
processes call for change to better suit the
evolving demands. The line between software
developers and testers is blurring, dispersing
the responsibility of quality assurance to
everyone involved in the entire SDLC. With
excessive competition, having a subpar or no
software testing strategy translates into
guaranteed failure. In the words of James Bach,
Testing is an infinite process of comparing the
invisible to the ambiguous in order to avoid the
unthinkable happening to the anonymous. This
means, testing, in fact good testing, is
inevitable to assure quality and value delivery
to the end users. The ever-increasing
competition and consumer expectations put the
organizations in a rather tight spot. On one
hand, they are expected to deliver quality at
speed, while on the other, the faster cycles
leave no room to perform efficient QA. The manual
resources are inundated with the number of tasks
that are required to be performed and completed
at a superhuman pace. Scalability also becomes a
challenge. Test automation is certainly helpful
in optimizing the mundane, repetitive tasks, but
what about the actions that cannot be fulfilled
without manual supervision?
3Key reasons for Integrating Performance Testing
Tools in the world of DevOps
Crowdtesting can rescue the modern organizations
from this dilemma. Crowdsourced testing approach
allow them to achieve scalability while cashing
on human intelligence. The benefits of
crowdtesting are immense, but so are the risks.
Taking the crowdtesting route is similar to
sending an unshielded, rookie soldier out on the
battlefield. Let us see whether it will survive
or will be torn down to pieces. They will have
no mercy Testers, in general, are supposed to be
cruel when it comes to finding bugs. When the
testers are in-house, they might have a sentiment
attached to their baby product and may have a
biased perception toward the flaws. When the
crowdtesters are roped in for performing quality
assurance and bug detection, they will be
merciless and harsh. If the need arises, they
will hold the baby by the ear to see whether
its functioning in the way it is supposed to or
not. Not only they bring in a fresh perspective
that the in-house team lacks, they are also able
to dissect a software or application under
real-life conditions. They will outnumber and
overpower you Without test automation, it is
practically not possible to scale. Crowdsourcing
effectively solve the issue. With cloud and
open-source tools, it has become feasible to
transcend the geographical barriers and maintain
a coordinated communication channel with the
testers at the same time.
4Key reasons for Integrating Performance Testing
Tools in the world of DevOps
Crowdtesters can help achieve test scalability
within a short frame of time, empowering
organizations to match their software release
timelines. Additionally, sourcing the testers
from all over the globe helps in obtaining a
peek-a-boo of how the software will perform under
actual conditions. You can choose your
slayers Getting crowd testers on board allows an
organization to test and understand an
applications reception among their intended
target users. Before releasing the software to
the actual users, organization can choose expert
testers from the target group. This selected
group can serve as a sample size to examine the
performance, usability, security, and
functionality of the application or software. As
the testing is done by skilled testers under
actual environment, using valid test data, the
results obtained are as close to reality as
possible. With these results, organizations can
chart a map of their applications strengths and
weaknesses to decide the further action
plan. Read Full Blog at https//www.cigniti.co