Title: MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
1MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
2MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
MGT 402 Module 1 Assignment 3 Defining the
Project Scope For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Review the project
case. Determine the scope of the District 4
Production Warehouse Move project from the
information provided in the case. Using the
Project Scope Checklist, prepare a scope document
for review and approval by the project sponsor
prior to starting the project.
3MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
MGT 402 Module 2 Assignment 2 Project Team and
Stakeholder Management For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Read the project
case for this assignment. As the project manager
for the District 4 Warehouse Move project, you
will need to determine who your stakeholders and
project team members are for this project.
4MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
MGT 402 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Project
Planning Developing the Project Plan and
Determining Critical Path For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com Using
the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided,
create a project plan for the District 4
Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF
document, Project Plan Check District4Move,
5MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
MGT 402 Module 4 Assignment 2 Project Schedule
Changes For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.
com You have kicked off the District 4
Production Warehouse Move project, your
contractors are in place and working on receiving
the proper building permits.
6MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com
MGT 402 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA Project
Planning Developing the Project Plan and
Determining Critical Path For more classes
visit www.snaptutorial.com 1. Using
the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided,
create a Microsoft project plan for the District
4 Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF document,
7MGT 402 Education Organization - snaptutorial.com