Title: Angelo D’Alessandro - Provides Consultation in Business Operations
1Angelo DAlessandro
Resident Agent, AQD Construction
2(No Transcript)
3Angelo DAlessandro has over 34 years of diverse
experience in the construction and trenchless
rehabilitation industry from starting as a
laborer and moving up through the head Management
of Construction firms.
4Angelo DAlessandro was born and raised in
Detroit he has grown up being intricately
involved in the construction industry for 34
5As a leader in the Civil Construction industry he
has been involved in leading many companies and
projects that have specializing in Heavy
Construction, Demolition, Water and Waste Water,
Collection Treatment, and Distribution Systems as
well as Infrastructure Rehabilitation, CIPP
Lining, and Trenchless Technologies in
Southeastern Michigan, Florida, Louisiana, and
other areas of the United States.
6Starting at a very young age, Angelo DAlessandro
learned the business from the ground up. He has
worked as a laborer, crew foreman, site
superintendent, and general superintendent.
7Angelo DAlessandro eventually evolved into
operations manager and has owned and operated his
own firms. This experience allowed Angelo
DAlessandro to see all aspects and complexities
of the business and has given him a rich
knowledge of industry trends as well as a unique
insight into running a construction business.
8Thank you
Find out more about him at his official site