Title: Angelo Eguizabal - Provides Consultation in Project Development
ngelo Eguizabal
Executive Vice President at Calamar Construction,
2(No Transcript)
3Angelo Eguizabal has comprehensive executive
experience in construction management, real
estate development, and operations. Angelo
Eguizabal earned Master of Business
Administration from Jacksonville University,
Jacksonville, FL and Bachelor of Arts from the
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
4Angelo Eguizabal is fluent in Spanish. He can
speak, read and write Spanish. He is also
familiar with Portuguese. While working at Kajima
Building and design group, Angelo Eguizabal was
responsible for identification, qualification,
and development of prospective opportunities for
continued business growth, supervision
of pre-construction (estimating) staff, managing
formation of the construction team, leading the
innovative construction operations and
supervision of construction development including
budget and schedule.
5As the vice president at continental properties
company, Angelo Eguizabal managed multi-discipline
d staff that provided in excess of 3 billion of
construction activity over 10 years while
achieving a collective 90 on-budget and on-schedu
le metric.
6Angelo Eguizabal is eminent for completing
projects in an average budget contingency of 2.
He is known for delivering 90 average on-time
schedule and providing an average of 24 IRR to
To know more about him visit his official site