Title: Level4 ys18
1Level 4
to raingtgt(It) will rain
3It will rain tomorrow.
4Lloverá mañana.
It will rain tomorrow.
6It will probably rain tomorrow.
7Probablemente lloverá mañana.
It will probably rain tomorrow.
8Tienes razón
You are right
(It) might
10You are probably right. It might rain tomorrow.
11Probablemente tienes razón. Podría llover mañana.
You are probably right. It might rain tomorrow.
12horneargtgthorneare, cocinargtgtcocinará
to bakegtgt(She) will bake
14My mother will probably bake a cake today.
15Mi madre probablemente cocinará un pastel hoy.
My mother will probably bake a cake today.
16My mother might bake a cake today.
17Mi madre podría cocinar un pastel hoy.
My mother might bake a cake today.
18acostarse gtgt te acostarás
go to bed gtgt You will go
to bed
19What time will you go to bed tonight?
20A que hora te acostarás esta noche?
What time will you go to bed tonight?
21me acostaré
I will go to bed
23I will probably go to bed early tonight because I
can have an exam tomorrow.
24Probablemente me acostaré temprano esta noche
porque puedo tener un examen mañana.
I will probably go to bed early tonight because I
can have an exam tomorrow.
26What is the problem?
27Cuál es el problema?
What is the problem?
28mudarsegtgtse mudará, trasladarsegtgtse trasladare
to movegtgt(He) will move
29My best friend will probably move to France.
30Mi mejor amigo probablemente se mudará a Francia.
My best friend will probably move to France.
32I am not sure but my best friend might move to
France this summer.
33No estoy seguro, pero mi mejor amigo podría
mudarse a Francia este verano.
I am not sure but my best friend might move to
France this summer.
34fin de semana
They will
36Will they go to the party this weekend?
37Irán a la fiesta este fin de semana?
Will they go to the party this weekend?
38salir de la ciudad
to go out of town
They might
40I am not sure but they might go out of town this
41No estoy seguro, pero podrían salir de la ciudad
este fin de semana.
I am not sure but they might go out of town this
42Ellos saldrán de la ciudad
They will go out of town
43I am not sure but they will probably go out of
town this weekend.
44No estoy seguro, pero probablemente ellos saldrán
de la ciudad este fin de semana.
I am not sure but they will probably go out of
town this weekend.