Title: Level6 wdys1
Level 6
What Do
3es imposible.
It's impossible.
4tomarse un descanso
to take a break
5I am very busy. It is impossible for me to take a
break, let alone going to the movies.
6Estoy muy ocupado. Es imposible para mí tomarme
un descanso, no hablemos de ir al cine.
I am very busy. It is impossible for me to take a
break, let alone going to the movies.
7How old is she? Is it legal for her to sign the
8Qué edad tiene ella? Es legal para ella firmar
el contrato?
How old is she? Is it legal for her to sign the
11I am ready to discuss the issue in general but to
be honest, I find it hard to discuss the details.
12Estoy dispuesto a discutir el problema en
general, pero a decir verdad, encuentro difícil
discutir los detalles.
I am ready to discuss the issue in general but to
be honest, I find it hard to discuss the details.
13mantener una promesa
to keep a promise
14por lo tanto
to trust
16Jonathan finds it hard to keep a promise
therefore it is impossible for me to trust him.
17A Jonathan le resulta difícil mantener una
promesa por lo tanto es imposible para mí
confiar en él.
Jonathan finds it hard to keep a promise
therefore it is impossible for me to trust him.
18The lesson we had last year was more difficult
than the current one.
19La lección que tuvimos el año pasado fue más
difícil que la actual.
The lesson we had last year was more difficult
than the current one.
to assign
21The teacher has already assigned a new project,
let alone giving more time for the old projects.
22El profesor ya ha asignado un nuevo proyecto, no
hablemos de dar más tiempo para los viejos
The teacher has already assigned a new project,
let alone giving more time for the old projects.
23cálido / más cálido
hot / hotter
24The summer this year is hotter than the summer
last year.
25El verano de este año es más cálido que el verano
del año pasado.
The summer this year is hotter than the summer
last year.
26frío / más frío
cold / colder
27What about last winter? Was it colder than this
28Qué hay del invierno pasado? Era más frío que
este invierno?
What about last winter? Was it colder than this