Title: BSCOM 240Enhance teaching - tutorialrank.com
1BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
2BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 All Assignments For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com BSCOM 240
Week 1 Identifying and Eliminating Bias BSCOM
240 Week 1 Pre-Search Questions and
Application BSCOM 240 Week 2 Finding Information
3BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 1 Identifying and Eliminating
Bias For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Review Ch. 11 and
Box 11.2 "Guidelines for Racial Identification"
of Reaching Audiences. Read the front page of The
Kelsey Gazette and choose one of the headline
4BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 1 Pre-Search Questions and
Application For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Develop a list of at
least five pre-search questions to avoid message
bias and identify potential sources about your
project topic. See examples in Ch. 9 of Reaching
Audiences under "Developing a Strategy" in the
"Getting Started" section.
5BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 2 Beyond Breaking News For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Reso
urces Ch. 7 8 of Reaching Audiences Submit a
summary discussing the advantages and challenges
of researching and producing online content for
your project topic. Include the challenges of
audience participation.
6BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 2 Finding Information For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Reso
urces Ch. 9 of Reaching Audiences and the
University Library Locate at least three articles
through the University Library that are potential
sources for your project topic. Locate a recent
news story related to your topic from at least
three different news aggregators Google News,
Bing News, Yahoo News, or others.
7BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 3 Dealing With Informal Sources
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Review "The People Formerly Known as the
Audience" in the Electronic Reserve
Readings. Locate two recent news stories about
your project topic. Pay attention to the comments
section and to the share function (to share on
social media sites). Consider how the audience
receives and creates information and how social
media affects the way people receive information.
8BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 3 Exploring Virtual Libraries
For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.
com Review a "Guide to Media Writing" and
"Observation" in Ch. 9 of Reaching
Audiences. Identify specific sources using the
Librarian Internet Index (http//www.ipl.org). Res
earch your topic using at least two different
9BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 4 Article Summary For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Comp
lete Appendix B by answering the set of questions
about each of the sources you have identified for
your project in a 1-paragraph summary for each
10BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 4 Evaluating Information
Reflection For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Imagine you are
working in a corporate environment and your
manager has asked you to write a report
evaluating various personality evaluation tests
that could be used to strengthen communication
between coworkers.
11BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 5 Evaluating Your Research
Process For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Review all your
previous assignments and readings. Write a 700-
to 1,050-word self-evaluation of the research
processes you undertook in this course. Include a
discussion of your opinion, based on what you
learned in this cou
12BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com
BSCOM 240 Week 5 Writing Your Story For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com At
this point, you have completed your research and
now it's time for you to be the journalist and
write a newspaper story of your chosen topic.
13BSCOM 240Enhance teaching/ tutorialrank.com