Title: Teaching A Kid To Fish Before They Graduate
1Teaching A Kid To Fish Before They Graduate
2Kidpreneur is a smart child who manages to build
a viable, profitable business with little to no
help from adults. Most kidpreneurs have tech
products, but there are others as well who cover
other aspects of business.
What Is A Kidpreneur?
3It is understandable that with limited resources,
we might want to simply focus on the kids who are
showing signs of excelling in the future.
However, there is no way to tell which kid has
good problem solving skills when it comes to real
world. So, in our opinion, every child should get
the chance to attend these courses.
How To Recognise Kidpreneurs?
4Coding classes for kids who want to be
kidpreneurs is just a recommendation, not a
necessity. Hence, we suggest that if you have
access to such teachers or classes, definitely
enrol your kids for them. But dont stress about
it too much.
Do They Need To Learn Coding?
5Whats the scope?
A quick google search would reveal that there are
a lot of kidpreneurs who have gone ahead and been
recognised by the media and tech conglomerates
because of their phenomenal work. Sky is the
6Do They Solve Problems Or Invent Things?
Kids programming languages were actually made
much simpler by kids themselves. Kids have also
managed to identify problems and solve them.
Hence, there is limitation really when it comes
to what kidpreneurs can achieve.
7Thank You