Title: Eid Ul Fitr
1 2Eid - ul - Fitr Each Eid festival is marked by
the sighting of the crescent ( new moon) .
3Ramadan 29 or 30 days month of fasting Ramadan
ends with a celebration called ' Eid-Ul-Fitr (
eed -al-fitter), or the Festival of Breaking the
4the festival of Eid - ul - Fitr celebrates the
fact that allah (god) gave muslim the qur'an to
help them live good lives.
5on the day of eid everyone dresses up in their
best clothes and shoes .
6girls and women like to decorate their hands with
beautiful patterns using mendhi paste (henna).
7after prayers everyone wishes each other a huge.
8yummy sweets and desserts are then eaten to make
the occasion.
eid cards, gifts and money are often exchanged .
9friends and families like to get together on eid
to celebrate the special days.
10- Eid is also celebrated with great enthusiasm in
Ajmer Rajasthan. On Eid time people from far and
wide come to pray at the shrine of Ajmer.Ajmer is
famous for Dargah in Rajasthan and if you come to
Ajmer, then there are many good places in
Udaipur, Jaipur which you You can see and also
create a never ending memory if you come to
Jaipur, then see all the places here one day It
is not possible for this, so you have to stay for
at least 18-20 days and At that time you need a
countryside hotel in rajasthan so that you can
Stay there and can visit all places of Rajasthan
like Jaipur Ajmer Udaipur.