Title: How Will Your Wrongful Termination Adjustment Be Managed?
1 How Will Your Wrongful Termination Adjustment Be
2A wrongful termination claim is one of the most
common claims in California. The circumstances
are such in every business that sooner or later,
someone has to be fired. And when that firing
occurs, the person who got fired may file a
wrongful termination claim against the employer.
This puts everyone in a bad spot and caused
additional problems for the business owner. And
if the claim is successful, the business owner
will have to pay the terminated employee a sum
determined by the court. This will also affect
the business, as the word will quickly spread
that the business owner terminated their
employees illegally and for the wrong reasons.
3How Is Wrongful Termination Managed?
Once you receive an evaluation of your case, your
attorney will try to determine whether or not
your termination was illegal. If your attorney
finds enough evidence to prove that your
termination was illegal, the claim will most
likely be successful. But before you are paid
anything, the court will have to determine what
exactly you are getting compensated for. Things
that are usually taken into consideration are
- The Number of Wages That You Lost For not Being
Able to Work
- The Amount of Health and Other Benefits That You
Lost as a Result
4Once everything is fairly calculated, you will
receive substantial compensation and be able to
cover your attorneys fees, as well as have
enough to continue with your life. Keep in mind
that this does not mean that you will be given
back your old working spot. With that in mind,
while your claim is processing, you should
probably start looking for another job.
5Types of Termination
Another factor that could determine your wrongful
termination claim is the termination itself and
the way it was conducted. How were you fired, and
under what conditions?
Were you perhaps discriminated against before you
were fired? Did your employer threaten you? Were
you not given the wages that you previously
earned? Did your employer refuse to give you
additional work hours or overtime a few weeks
before the termination?
All these factors can impact your wrongful
termination claim. Remember that your only option
is to follow the law, and to let your attorney do
the work for you.
6If you do not have an attorney, consult with
wrongful termination attorneys in Los Angeles
today, explain your situation and ask for a free
case evaluation and a free initial consultation.
After that, an attorney will file a claim on your
behalf and engage your ex-employer in a legal
7Contact The Kaufman Law Firm
Address 11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 1840 Los
Angeles, CA 90025 Phone - 310-981-3404 https//w