Title: Highgate Childcare Centre - Leaps and Bounds Preschool Highgate
1Top 4 Benefits Your Children Get Out of Preschool
2Did You Know?Early childhood education has a
positive impact on school and later life outcomes.
3Love of Learning Pre-school provides play-based
learning experience that develops a love for
learning in your kids. They get opportunities to
grow their knowledge in a fun and enjoyable
4More Focused and Patient With play-based
learning, they learn how to follow instructions,
be patient, pay attention, and focus. It also
creates the building blocks needed to prepare
them for school.
5Develop Social Skills Social skills are
essential for students to develop relationship
with others and maintain it. When you send your
children to preschool, the educators will help
guide their social skills in the right direction.
6Prepare Your Kids for School When your kids are
exposed to preschool environment, they will feel
much more comfortable and at ease once its time
for them to start primary school.
ighgatefor more information. Call (08) 9227
5827 E-mail penelope_at_leapsandboundspreschool.com