Title: Weekly Food For The Mind
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2Good news! To help keep disEASE of the mind at
bay,the book Weekly Food For The Mind has
come your way!
3Back Cover
ASelf-Published BookThroughThe
4Preface The success of our book Wisdom From
LAUGHTER motivated us to write Weekly Food For
The Mind, a motivational and inspirational
book. Today, many people may be quite conscious
of their physical health they do care about
their diet and nutritional matters and spend time
for physical exercise. However, the same cannot
be said for our mental health not many pay
sufficient attention to stimulate the mind
positively, exercise and enrich the mind to keep
it alert, mindful, virtuous, healthy and
wise. Weekly Food For The Mind is written with
the primary objective of providing beneficial
food for the mind. Each of the 52 Chapters in
the book is made up of the following Humor
and Life Lessons a joke or humorous anecdote
from which some wisdom points are shared
Quotes To Live By 2 great quotes from great
minds Puzzles For The Brain 2 teasers or
lateral thinking problems Story To Reflect
Upon an inspirational or touching story with a
moral message Wise Tips 2 pieces of wise
advice or tips for positive living Epigrams
and Aphorisms witty sayings / terse
observations that help one understand life
better Motivation a selection of motivating
words that help spur us to meaningful
achievements Inspiration a selection of
inspiring words that help open the heart and
brighten the mind Proverbs as Life Lessons 4
proverbs of wisdom Wise Couplets 2-liners
conveying a wisdom message Riddles for
Divergent Thinking - 2 creative riddles to
solve Affirmations and Aspirations positive
statements of human values May this book be a
source of good food to develop the mind.May it
help to keep us alert, virtuous and wise all the
5A Sample Chapter
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11Weekly Food For The Mind
Online Purchase of the book can also be made
12The End
May the contents of Weekly Food For The Mindhelp
to give you Mental Health of the richest kind
With Metta,Oh Teik BinLee Kiang Wui