aravinda1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Omega 3 fatty acid products have been quite a hit due to their multiple health benefits. A long list of omega 3 fatty acid products are available in the market. With most of these omega 3 fatty acid products, the problem is they give fishy aftertaste and burps. But, don’t worry, there is one exception to that, which is, Chicnutrix Mighty Omega. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: aravinda1

Best omega 3 fa5y acid products Online in
India Omega 3 fa5y acid products have been quite
a hit due to their mulfiple health bene?ts. A
long list of omega 3 fa5y acid products are
available in the market. With most of these omega
3 fa5y acid products, the problem is they give
?shy ahertaste and burps. But, dont worry, there
is one excepfion to that, which is, Chicnutrix
Mighty Omega. Chicnutrix Mighty Omega is a high
quality ?sh oil product made from pure ocean ?sh
oil, which is Mercury free, heavy metal free,
burp less and the best part, has no ?shy aher
taste. Formulated with 1250mg Omega-3 which has
625 mg EPA, DHA, a perfect balance of ingredients
which improves overall skin and hair
health. Omega-3 ?sh oil with EPA, DHA to support
even skin tone, prevent skin and hair dryness,
?aky scalp, redness and unpleasant breakouts.
omega 3 fa5y acid products are known to provide
bene?ts to the enfire body. They nourish your
skin along with your scalp which helps to bene?t
the health of your hair to prevent ?akes or dry
hair. It boosts hydrafion, nourishes skin with
increased moisture. Omega-3 has anfi-in?ammatory
properfies hence, ?sh oil helps in opening up the
hair follicles and promofing hair growth, thereby
making up for daily hair loss. Omega-3 fa5y acids
?sh oil contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which has many
health bene?ts and also skin hair bene?ts.
Omega-3 fats are essenfials nutrients that are
body needs to lower the blood pressure and also
prevenfing and managing heart disease. EPA and
DHA acts as a source of energy, prevents the
body from heat loss, and helps maintain healthy
funcfion of the brain and eyes. Chicnutrix Mighty
Omega is dermatologist approved, gentle on
stomach and has no side e?ects. The ingredients
are clinically proven to show e?ecfive
results. Available in a jar of 60 chocolate
?avoured capsules. 1-2 soh gel capsules can be
consumed daily, anyfime of the day for all skin
and hair bene?ts. The need for Omega-3 is
essenfial as our body cannot produce and hence it
is important to supplement it externally. The
vegetarian source of Omega-3 does not contain EPA
which is an important component. People do not
like to consume the omega 3 fa5y acid products
due to the ?shy aher taste they get along with
the burps. But with Chicnutrix Mighty Omega that
isnt the case, since the capsule is in
delicious chocolate ?avour. According to me, it
is de?nitely a must buy product. Get yours now
from h5ps//
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