Title: SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
1SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
2SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
www.sus300rank.com SUS 300 Week 1 Individual
Assignment Dimensions of Global
Sustainability SUS 300 Week 2 Individual
Assignment Historical Overview of Water
Sustainability and Treatment (Japanese Tsunami
2011) SUS 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Sustaining Global Land and Food SUS 300 Week 3
Learning Team Assignment Land Restoration
Proposal SUS 300 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Waste Management Brochure
3SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 1 Individual Assignment Dimensions
of Global Sustainability FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.sus300rank.com Select one of the trends in
the introduction of Ch. 1 of Sustainable
Development in Practice. Analyze how this trend
affects local and global economics, politics, and
society. Pick a locale anywhere in the world and
investigate how the trend has affected the local
area. Suggest global treaties or local
initiatives that might be effective in solving or
reducing the impact of this trend. Present your
idea using Microsoft PowerPoint or another
multimedia tool.
4SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 2 Individual Assignment Historical
Overview of Water Sustainability and Treatment
(Japanese Tsunami 2011) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.sus300rank.com Write a 700- to 1,050-word
paper investigating a historical water
contamination event. Examples include but are not
limited to Hurricane Katrina BP oil
Spill Japanese Tsunami of 2011 Exxon Valdez oil
spill Walkerton, Ontario coli contamination Answer
the following questions in your paper
5SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 3 Individual Assignment Sustaining
www.sus300rank.com Write a 700- to 1,050-word
paper examining at least three of the following
threats to land sustainability Agribusiness Droug
ht Soil erosion Exhausted land Overpopulation Pest
control Genetically modified grains
6SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Land
Restoration Proposal FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.sus300rank.com Design solutions to develop
the land. Provide a development plan to bring
this land up to agricultural standards. Write a
proposal to the city that describes the
step-by-step plan your team intends to implement.
Record your ideas on the University of Phoenix
Material Sustainable Agriculture Project
Proposal Template. Explain the following in the
proposal The importanceboth locally and
globallyof having a sustainable food supply
7SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 4 Individual Assignment Waste
Management Brochure FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.sus300rank.com SUS 300 Week 4 Individual
Assignment Waste Management Brochure
8SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 5 Individual Assignment Alternative
Energies and Tradeoffs Matrix FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sus300rank.com SUS 300 Week 5
Individual Assignment Alternative Energies and
Tradeoffs Matrix
9SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com
SUS 300 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Green
LEED Architecture Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.sus300rank.com SUS 300 Week 5 Learning
Team Assignment Green LEED Architecture
10SUS 300 RANK Education System--sus300rank.com